Friends of Findon Valley
Volunteering our time to keep Findon Valley beautiful
What We Are About
We are a group of volunteers committed to carrying out practical work to enhance our beautiful Findon Valley environment. The sort of things we do are keeping footpaths clear, litter picking and assisting the local council ranger plant new hedges and trees. We have an ongoing task to clear sycamores from flower rich pasture.

Adur and Worthing council have a well publicised plan to return Cissbury fields to a more nature friendly management and we are fully committed to assisting with this process. On the west side of the valley we have the Gallops open space where we have also helped with management.

In the area of the library we have recently grubbed out old shrubs and planted up with a small tree and seven Queen Elizabeth roses to mark the Platinum Jubilee and now to be a memorial garden.

We usually meet on Saturday mornings once a month, the meeting place varies depending on where the task is. Everyone is welcome to come along to lend a hand.
Matthew Ward.
Friends of Findon Valley