About the FVRA
The Findon Valley Residents’ Association (FVRA) is a group of local individuals who come together, elected by the local community who listen to the local residents to take on local issues within their power working with the locally elected councillors to help make Findon Valley a safe and prosperous place to live.
FVRA Committee Members
Our current trustees and members who are working tirelessly behind the scenes helping to improve and shape our local community into a more active, open and vibrant community to the benefit of our local residents, each member is tasked with their specific jobs to motivate and coordinate volunteers to become more active and participate in all different aspects of shaping Findon Valley.
Our Aims
Providing a medium by which local residents and other people with mutual interest in the collective affairs of Findon Valley, may communicate with the appropriate bodies and authorities through an elected committee, to represent a consensual opinion to and for the public benefit.
Developing a forum to publish, promote and preserve Findon Valley’s historical heritage, community activities and other aspects, areas and undertakings of common interest.
Actively supporting local charities through organising social events while encouraging the community spirit and goodwill.

Our History
In 1936 twenty-three residents formed the Findon Valley Residents’ Association (FVRA) to oppose the erection of a factory in the Valley as well as to protect and promote the local community’s interests. The fact that they stopped it, encouraged the FVRA Committee members to carry on. Over the next 20-30 years the FVRA pressed for and obtained many improvements and new amenities in public services, with the public toilets, the library and bus shelters plus the scheduling of The Gallops as an open space, the provision of a children’s playground and the zigzag path to Bost Hill.
In 1962 the FVRA successfully conducted a campaign halting further development east of Hollingbury Gardens and Sullington Gardens. Subsequently the developers were allowed to construct Long Meadow and Shepherds Mead and build on the west side only. They subsequently donated the remainder of the land extending to the boundaries of the National Trust and Worthing Golf Club to the then Worthing Corporation as an open space.
In 1974 the FVRA changed its name to Findon Valley Society, still upholding the Association’s objectives, and became a member of The Civic Trust and The Federation of Sussex Amenity Societies. The FVRA also registered itself as a charity with the Charity Commission.
Over the next few years the Society was successful in securing the dedication of two public footpaths up to Cissbury Down, the installation of the valleys first pelican crossing at Kings Parade, the collection of 1738 signatures to the A27 petition, improved street lighting in Findon Road.
In 1975, after five years of campaigning, the opening of the TV Relay Station on West Hill, thus improving reception throughout the Valley.
In 1986 a special commemorative tree was planted to celebrate the Society’s Golden Jubilee.
In 2006, to reinforce the importance of what the association was all about, saw the name revert back to Findon Valley Residents’ Association still maintaining its charity status.
With more volunteers coming forward to become FVRA Committee members, concerted efforts have effectively been made to improve the area’s facilities including new pedestrian crossings on the A24 Findon Road and A27 Warren Road, improvements to the Kings Parade Pelican crossing with the installation of safety railings and the extension of pedestrian crossing time, a ‘safer routes to school’ policy, ‘keep clear’ markings on the busy A24/A27 Offington roundabout and improvements to the footpath and road signage on Bost Hill.
On the social side, the FVRA aims to build on the community spirit through organising events like the Spirit of Christmas, the Quiz Night and the Charity Fun Dog Show relying very much on voluntary help from the residents alongside the FVRA committee members. At the same time the FVRA focuses on raising much needed funds for local charities.