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FVRA Committee Minutes October 2021

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 11th October: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Paula Barnes (PB),Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW), Roger Oakley (RO), Matthew Ward (MW) and guest Tony Anderson (FV Shedders).


Terri Binstead.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes were discussed and agreed with two corrections

1) that LA and LT met with the Rev Ali Moore at the FVRC in Sept and

2) NW confirmed that there had been 532 payments from 508 members.

The Meeting began with a Meeting of the Trustees (LA, LT, CS, and NW) to agree that the FVRA bank accounts be transferred from HSBC to CAF. This was proposed by CS and agreed by all (including TB by email). CS will progress this.

Introductions were made to our guest, Tony Anderson who was welcomed to the meeting. Tony is in the process of setting up Findon Valley Shedders as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), with assistance from the Men in Sheds organisation and support from Community Works, the Lancing and Sompting Shed and Robin from the Worthing Shed. LT and MW have agreed to become Trustees to enable the preliminary legal steps to be taken. A Treasurer will be required and CS has been approached. LA offered use of FVRA platforms for publicity. Tony reported that he has already had expressions of interest from 6 people. Dan Humphreys has been approachedto explore the possibility of using the now empty Council-owned Lodge at Durrington Cemetery; negotiations are progressing favourably. Donations of tools and equipment are sought. The Shedders will be open to all members of the community.Tony has offered to become the FVRA webmaster and will liaise with Jim Booth to take over this role.


LA’s report was circulated prior to the meeting.

The Community Noticeboard locks have needed attention and LA will give his, slightly better fitting keys, to TB.

LT to progress 2 x banners for use on Market days. The need for 2 x sail type banners was discussed, More research on prices required.

Use Of Library for Committee meetings will hopefully recommence in November. The cost will be as before, £10 per hour. Face covering will be mandatory, unless exemptions apply and hand sanitizer will be provided.

The Grit bins in Vale Drive will be adopted by The Vale School PB has worked on this. LA to ask WSCC to add Vale Drive to winter grit lorry route.

Community Garden agreement still not received from WSCC, LA will chase again.

Kings Parade improvements are now complete. WBC contractors will maintain and water the hanging baskets.

Vice Chair

CS has ordered a new gazebo for October Market and offered to provide pumpkins for the FVRA stall. CS also expressed his concern that more food stalls were needed to maintain interest from the community. Steyning Farmers Market was discussed.LT will talk to Sharon Leppard. Subsequent to the meeting; The October Market will now include additional new stalls; Quillo, handmade pillows that fold out to form knee quilts (requested by a member of the community who saw them at the Goring Market), Worthing Gin, Banging Biltong and Cat Burglar DoNuts.

October Market Rota will be circulated this week. Halloween Themed and will include activi-ties and sweet treats for our young visitors organised by PB.

Christmas Market plans progressing, update at next meeting.


TB was unable to attend.


No accounts circulated prior to the meeting. CS proposes that some monies will be kept inthe existing HSBC account for the time being and the rest divided between a CAF currentaccount and a savings account. Although the changeover will involve a considerableamount of paperwork, this will benefit the FVRA.


NW’s Report was circulated prior to the meeting.

Those members currently paying by Standing Order will need to be contacted to ask to change to CAF Direct Debit.CS will provide suitable wording for this communication.

NW feels there is currently no incentive to join the FVRA and asked if a discount at local shops could be offered. MW commented that membership gives a sense of belonging to the local community.

Schools liaison

Autumn clearing of the wildflower bed on the Gallops is scheduled to take place at 2pm on Tuesday 19th October and will be attended by Vale School representatives and our Ranger, Graeme Brooker. All are welcome to attend.

PB will arrange for the drop off of the key to the Grit bins.

Friends of Vale School have confirmed they will be having a stall at the Christmas Market.

Members of the school choir will attend to sing Christmas songs and carols.

Pupils will make laminated decorations for the FVRA Christmas tree.

No further news on the proposed defibrillator.


The Cissbury fields have not yet been cut due to loss of contractors but it is anticipated this will take place before the end of October. This provides an extended period of transition where flora and fauna are able to develop and an increase in wildflower species has already been noted. Self seeding is to be encouraged.

Graeme Brooker’s recent article on the local green spaces was circulated by LT prior to the meeting and can be seen here;

The Gallops is a very different green space and will be managed differently. Some extended mowing has been done in response to community demand. The south end of the Gallops was once cultivated and so the soil here is different and will yield different results. Seed will be gathered for resowing.

Meeting with Craig Daters, SDNPA, and Graeme Brooker has been arranged for November to discuss clearing of barbed wire and hedge planting along Long Meadow and Shepherds Mead. An ‘edible’ mixture of hawthorne, blackthorne and hazel is proposed and the FV Volunteers may be involved in this activity.

The FV Volunteers have recently cleared the path from the A24, opposite Bost Hill, through to the Storrington Rise car park with support from AWC Rangers, who are keen to continue their input.


RO asked that reports of defects to highways, pavements or signage be made to WSCC via Love West Sussex

Cycle routes. ES and LA have had further conversations regarding this matter.

Ward Community Forums are due to be set up, more news later.

Further discussions on proposals for TROs. It was agreed that we need to garner the opinions of our residents and this may be best done at our AGM or by online survey.

NW proposed a Suggestions Box on our website.

Vale Avenue: LA has been advised by Cllr. Sparkes that Vale Avenue is to be resurfaced by WSCC contractors but this is not in their current programme of work.

Communication (Vacant Role)

LA will discuss this role with Tony Anderson after this meeting.

Events (vacant Role)

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations RO will seek WSCC guidance on street closures for parties and report back. LT will check what proposals AWC may have and report back.


The Meeting concluded at 21:20

Date of next meeting 8 November at 7.30pm at Findon Valley Library unless otherwise advised in advance.e.

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