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FVRA Committee Minutes November 2022

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 14th November: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Clive Sanders (CS), Colin Binstead (CB), Hannah Hunte (HH).


Neil Worsfold (NW).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 10th October were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


The Brighton Big Band performed a fabulous and professional concert with an audience of about 32 people although more would have been appreciated.

An event at Cissbury Fields on 12th November was attended by LA and Lucy Stewart with Graeme arriving near the end.WBC are considering putting a small number of cattle using one or two fields on a rotation during late summer/ autumn.Most people were interested and positive but the event was marred by three separate vociferous and hostile opponents who just want the fields left for dog walking.

The bird count for 2022 has now been added to the website. There have been 46 different species of birds on the fields so far this year.

The library garden now has the benches in place and MW will arrange the planting once the scaffolding around the library is down.

LA suggested decorating the planters along Kings Parade for Christmas.

LA met with Mary Meadows Chair of High Salvington Residents Association and was informed they also have problems with an irresponsible minority of dog walkers.She will notify LA of the current dog wardens details and we can invite her to one of our meetings.Mary will also circulate our CE details on mailchimp.

The Community Initiative Levy which was a good source of funding has been scrapped by WBC and Mary is contacting Councillors to enquire about a possible replacement.We need to aim to get a significant increase in resident numbers and also to fill our two vacancies on the committee Next year’s AGM was agreed to try a Saturday afternoon in March at the Free Church hall.

It was agreed that LA will update the Constitution.

Vice Chair

Sharon continues to remain very positive about the FV markets and the range of stall holders has developed well. She has sent a new copy of her market poster which we can alter to suit our needs if required. We receive a half share of the pitch fees but the continuing financial situation however may impact and dates for early next year remain under review.

Geoff, our mowing and litter picking volunteer has added some shrubs to the end planter. Maggie and Chris will transplant them to the main bed of the community garden. The library garden is evolving and we can look forward to further developments once the scaffolding has been removed from the library.

LT thanked HH, LA, NW and her daughter Becky for their help with the big band concert. LT is meeting with Reverend Ally on 16th November to discuss plans for the Christmas Day Lunch and is also assisting her and Father Andrew with advice on setting up a Warm Welcome Initiative. Ally has also suggested doing a “ countdown” to the Christmas Extravaganza. Suggested maybe Ally and Richard manage this.


A few more stall bookings have come in and we now have 29 stalls consisting of market traders, local crafts and charities. The charities are Paws, Andy’s Angels, Scouts and Northbrook friends of St Barnabas.

I have had difficulty knowing who has paid at times as some are not stating on their booking form if they have transferred their booking fee to our CAF account (form will need reviewing to rectify this should we do similar again)

Vanessa from FVFC has requested a booking form which I have sent to her.


The account balance is £9,100.20 as of the end of October.

Farmers Market commission was up for October to £275. The room rental receipt from Terry for September was lower than charged as he was not aware of the new prices, he has added the difference to the October payment.

The treasurer is now going to keep a float of £80 for future events.

The accounts for the Big Band Event have not yet been finalised. Total takings amount to £348.50 so far, the band cost £300 and CS is waiting for further costs from the organisers.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is 546 (paid 2021/2022).We still need to try and get more new members having gained only 19 new members so far this year.

Schools liaison

PB used parent mail to advertise the Big Band event and has asked the school to now share our Christmas Extravaganza flyer. Vale School Choir will sing at the event from 5.30 pm and PB will contact the school one week before to finalise the arrangements.

A pre arranged date to meet with Graeme and Vale School pupils to clear the wildflower patches did not happen as the school couldn’t make the arrangements. It will not happen now until January.


There has been some success with tree planting and 3 trees have now been planted in Marshall Avenue, 3 in Downside Avenue and 1 in Central Avenue.

MW is attending a meeting at Worthing Town Hall next week regarding street tree planting in the Borough.The next work party meeting is Saturday 19th November thinning sycamores in fields.


No report available this time.

Web Administrator

TA has arranged with the Treasurer for various web addresses to be paid by Direct Debit to our Brixly Account.He provided details of the numbers of people who have visited the FVRA website and explained about some broken links he has repaired which was quite a mammoth job.

TA is going to place a page on the community area of the website in response to Bev Appleby who is hoping to start a ‘ Yoga with Bev’ class in the valley.

Events and Media

There was much discussion around the CE event which is beginning to come together.

There have been quite a few visitors to the Facebook advertising of the event.

Discussion was had on where and how to advertise and it was agreed to push the event from now.

Further details regarding planning will be sent separately to these minutes.A meeting was agreed to take place along Kings Parade at 5pm on Thursday and a further meeting via zoom on Monday 21st November at 6pm.


An official opening of the new library garden was discussed and a date will be announced once MW has planted the area and discussed with LA.I

nformation will be displayed in the local magazines and social media.

Date of next meeting Monday 12th December 7.30pm

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