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FVRA Committee Minutes June 2022

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 13th June: Remote meeting via zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Hannah Hunte (HH).


Clive Sanders (CS), Matthew Ward (MW), Tony Anderson (TA), Roger Oakley (RO).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the 9th May were agreed and can be published on the website and notice boards.

NW had written to the Vale Drive resident who had raised an issue but has received no reply.

LA introduced our new Councillor Nigel Morgan who gave an outline of his plans in this new role.

Councillor Nigel Morgan

Offington is a new ward for Councillor Morgan although he has been a councillor for some time. He stated that he has already met with the park rangers and is interested in the plans for the local green spaces which could include seating areas and interests for people of all ages.

He stressed the importance of good communication regarding the projects and is keen to be involved in the community generally.

Nigel is especially interested in cyber fraud and is keen to progress with advising people and helping with on line safety advice.

People can contact him for advice if they have concerns.

Nigel also advised that the Police and Crime Commissioner gives out grants for worthy causes and these are released twice a year with up to £5000 available for relevant projects.


LA acknowledged that the Jubilee event had been a great success and that the library have agreed to the photo display staying until the end of June.

A successful debrief meeting had been held with some of the committee along with Rev. Allie and Richard from FVFC.Neighbourhood watch signs have gone up in Hazelhurst Crescent and the south side of May Tree Avenue as enough residents are members to warrant this, FVRA can help raise awareness of NHW in the valley.

PCSO Ed Mitchell is to monitor the traffic at 5pm Tuesday 14th June along May Tree Avenue as it is becoming increasingly busy as a “cut through”.

LA is hoping to get details of the 2022 round of the Community Infrastructure Grants.

A work party is needed to apply preservative to the two wooden bus shelters that we are responsible for and also to the two benches that are to go in the library garden.

Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes has lodged our request for bus stop real-time information screens with WSCC, so no further action at this stage.

LT attended High Salvington resident’s Association AGM and will meet with their Chair two or three times a year in future.

PCSO Jason Lemm has offered to give a one hour presentation on scams and fraud in the valley.It would be good to do either an evening or Saturday morning after finding a venue and publicising it.

Caroline Pusey who is the Adur and Worthing Partnership Delivery Officer along with her team have started pop-up street briefings to be held in local libraries.

They will usually take place in the last week of the month and residents can visit for advice and general worries such as security, fire safety, anti social behaviour etc.

This is something we can publicise.

The station manager of Worthing Fire Station has asked the FVRA if we can raise awareness of the safe and well visits the fire service carry out.

These are aimed at more vulnerable groups such as over 65s, disability/ mobility challenges, lone adults and parents with young children etc.

These home visits take about 30-45 minutes and the fire service personnel always carry ID.

Vice Chair

LT started her report by thanking everyone for their help at the Jubilee event and also to PB for organising the defibrillator training.

The market on 29th May was very busy but it was noticeable that less money was being spent by visitors.

Sharon Leppard reported that the traders are still happy to come along despite the lower takings and like us feel that an event like this is good for well being even if people are unable to spend so much.

We may have to rethink if the footfall gets very low and we need to advertise it more to try and increase visitors.

PB pointed out there is no proper plant stall but a lady in Long Meadow may be interested.

Finally the leak in the store has been mended and everything has dried out satisfactorily. The toilet key has reappeared and we now have two in the store with LT having a spare.


TB had received an acknowledgment from Buckingham Palace thanking the committee and residents of Findon Valley for our best wishes on the occasion of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

A framed copy has been given to the library and the original will be stored with the FVRA history.

The notice boards have been updated with all advertising for the Jubilee removed and thank you posters are in the process of being prepared.


The account balance stands at £8,234.91.CS was unable to attend due to illness.

HSBC account has finally been closed.

There is a small deficit from the Jubilee event.

Membership Secretary

We have 535 paid up members since 1/1/21. Still a need to promote membership more.

66% of mailchimp flyers are opened out of the 450 that have been sent out.

Several members have no email addresses and NW has asked for the traffic survey information to be sent to him for review.

LT to contact RO.

NW organised 17 classic cars to come to the Jubilee event. They were on display in the surgery car park and proved very popular. Most agreed they would come again.

Schools liaison

Details for school summer fair confirmed with table top quiz and photo quiz along with A5 flyers suggested by PB promoting FVRA.

NW suggested a business card with web address and contact name.

The school has a new Friends of the Vale chair person who will prioritise a defibrillator at the school once the Summer Fair is over. We now have a section for Friends of Vale on the community page of our website.


The May work party weeded and mulched the newly planted hedging.

To continue this on Saturday 18th June.

A donation of wild flower plants has been received by South Downs NP and we will be planting those also.

A successful field meeting was held on Cissbury Field led by A&WBC that was attended by 25 people approximately to get ideas and give information about the plans for rewilding the fields.Several benches on The Gallops are in need of repair MW has approached Graeme Brooker about this.

MW has requested a meeting with a WSCC Highways Officer to discuss increased road side tree planting in the area.

The library garden has been designed following a meeting between LA, MW and Maggie W.A local builder has agreed to create hard standing for the two benches.


No report available.

RO has provided input direct to LA.

RO to be asked to forward contact details from traffic survey to NW.

Web Administrator

TA continues to assist members with queries as required and gave a detailed report of the work he has done on the website. It is now up and running efficiently.

TA has been dealing with the historic archives section of the web and explained in his report how he plans to manage it.

He is also liaising with the market to advertise the stalls attending each month.

Events and Media

Good debrief meeting with positive outcomes suggested for future events.

It was decided to have a Christmas event this year to include the closing of Kings Parade and hopefully input from the traders on 15th December. Try to attract local stalls to the event as well as entertainment and ask Sharon if she can help with gazebos, also suggested to try smaller local events such as a community quiz etc.

Nigel said he is willing to help with the Christmas event.

A thank you poster recognising efforts of volunteers and sponsors is to be displayed on notice boards.


Lance suggested contacting local take away shops in the valley for more detailed menus displaying allergens, vegetarian etc.

Date of next meeting: Monday 11th July 7.30pm via zoom.

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