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FVRA Committee Minutes January 2020

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 13th January: Findon Valley Library

In Attendance:

Maggie Winter (MW), Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Brian Cook (BC), Paula Barns (PB), Clive Sanders (CS) . The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.


Received from Jim Booth (JB), Absent Charmaine Julien (CJ), The intended guests, being the Tarring Flood Watch group, and PCSO Julie Jones, had not yet responded to invitations to attend.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

November 2019 meeting, corrected in that (MW) was in attendance. Otherwise agreed in general. December 2019 meeting, agreed subject to minor amendments.


FVRA Constitution, agreed by all as still fit for purpose, with no changes required at this time. The role of trustees was discussed, where previously trustees had not been active in committee meetings or strategy.

LA had written a paper in October 2019. It was agreed that the current executive committee members (as defined in the Constitution) should become trustees. The existing trustees will be invited to attend and participate in future meetings. Henceforth the committee meetings will become Trustee meetings. LA to update the Charity Commission records. The Secretary role will be recorded as vacant, as CJ will be moving away. Members expressed thanks for CJ’s previous contribution.

LA will circulate a Charity Commission note on Trustees’ Responsibilities.CS will check the Public Liability Insurance Policy with regard to trustee cover.

AGM, it was agreed to hold the next AGM at the Library, on Saturday 4 April between 2.30 and 4.30. The library has become FVRA’s base, enhancing the library’s community hub role. LA to confirm with Justin Burns (WSCC Libraries), then:LA to invite PCSO Julie Jones as guest speaker, and MW to invite councillors and MP.AGM details will be firmed up at our February meeting, including the loan of chairs (say 50) from a church hall, and FVRA officers’ written reports. Each Officer please note deadline of 28 February, to ensure timely inclusion in Sussex Local March edition.

Vice Chair

Cycle and Walking Consultation, LA circulated a summary of the A&WBC/ Sustrans consultation. The initiative is welcomed, and key elements for Findon Valley include the intended shared path in between Kings Parade and the main road, the extension up to Findon Village, and improvements on Warren Road. LA will monitor.LA and BC will make further contact with Findon Parish Council re the potential 20mph speed limit initiative for (certain) residential roads.


Accounts, for 2019 year-end had been circulated by CS. Accepted with minor queries. Income and expenditure are ‘in balance’. The Christmas Fair Statement of Income & Expenditure was discussed. The surplus was £79.40 and it was agreed that £80 would be donated to Chestnut Tree House. The £21 cost of the music licence was not included in the figures as the fee was found to be unnecessary. CS will seek a music licence refund from the council. It was agreed to purchase a suitable hosepipe for the Community Garden, cost £53. CS to arrange purchase. An auditor is still required, and Charity Commission thresholds indicate FVRA requires an ‘independent review’ rather than a formal audit. PB will ask a relative with suitable experience.


JB had provided a report by email. Subs received from 916 addresses totalling £2,373.14. Only 4 roads had not seen collections although 3 were designated to the same volunteer. It was agreed to have a ‘push’ for more members in 2020, possibly again via Sussex Local. Also a membership table at the AGM and other events during the year.

Schools Liaison

PB reported that WSCC had refused the intended anti-pollution posters, so the FVRA/ Vale School initiative will not continue. Vehicle parking near Vale School with engines running remains a problem. This was disappointing, however BC will investigate the “Cut Your Engine” blue signs near West Worthing level crossing, and revert to WSCC councillor Elizabeth Sparkes. PB is progressing the Vale School Nature ID card project.MW noted that she will attend a meeting at the school shortly on ‘forthcoming plans’.


BC reported that road markings around Kings Parade had been renewed, and the uneven path near the bakery had been dealt with. A number of roadside verges had been churned by illegally-parked vehicles – an anti-social action that is not policed. The Central Avenue bus shelter had been repaired by a resident, in conjunction with FVRA.


LT confirmed that the next Cissbury Fields meeting is Thursday 30th January 10.30am at Vale School Hub. FVRA welcomed the multi-agency attendance, inc. WBC, SDNPA, NFU, rural police, Parks & Foreshore manager.LA tabled a map highlighting the many paths that have developed across the fields, and will issue this to the 30 Jan attendees. It is important for FVRA to help clarify which paths, beyond the public rights of way, can indeed be enjoyed by residents and visitors, should the fields revert to active agricultural use.

Noted that new information boards, intended for the car parks, would be financed by WBC and SDNPA.BC advised that large numbers of cars are parking at the top of Coombe Rise, with the car park full and up to 20 vehicles on the road. This highlights the popularity of this area as an access point to the Downs.LT noted that litter is spreading from the Jet Garage, and will speak with the manager.LT to follow up with WBC re the recycling bins for installation near the library.


This role remains vacant, and MW will prepare a new advert of our vacancies.


PB tabled a calendar of potential events for 2020, which was discussed.

LT suggested a farmers’ market, similar to Goring, Broadwater, Lancing and Shoreham.

LT will investigate further.


MW advised that planning consent for a new dwelling at the south end of Parham Road had been rejected on appeal. Separately the application for offices and electric car charging points at the rear of Kings Parade had been approved.

Vacancies, Communications Officer/Events Officer/general Committee members

Library Drop-in, 1 February LT & JB, 7 March LA & MW

The meeting closed at 10.00pm

Next meetings – Monday 10 February 2020 and Monday 23 March 2020 (NOT 9 March)

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