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FVRA Committee Minutes February 2020

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 10th February: Findon Valley Library

In Attendance:

Maggie Winter (MW), Lance Allen (LA), Jim Booth (JB), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Brian Cook (BC),Paula Barnes (PB), Clive Sanders (CS), Pamela Pilbury (PP). The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.


The invited guests (Tarring Flood Watch group and PSCO Julie Jones) were not in attendance. It was agreed to await contact from the intended guests with regard to attendance at future meetings.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2020 were agreed as a true and accurate record. Matters arising would be dealt with in the course of the meeting.


Newsletter, It was agreed that LA would book the insertion of the Newsletter in the March edition of the Sussex Local. JB undertook to check the timing, but it was understood that 2,000 copies of the Newsletter would be required by 20th February and all reports should be submitted to PP in good time for that date. If the timing was not viable, arrangements would be made for inclusion in the April edition. It was noted that PB had already submitted her report. MW pointed out that there were now only three estate agents in the Valley rather than four. Previously, each estate agent had printed 500 copies of the Newsletter, and MW undertook to enquire if they would now print additional copies.

AGM, MW stated that, for the AGM, 50 copies of the accounts with the analysis on the reverse would be required (CS), plus 50 copies each of the Agenda and the previous year’s minutes (JB). MW stated she had produced a poster. LT undertook to enquire about the provision of a projector and screen. An additional poster would be required regarding nominations to the Committee. It was noted that as MW would no longer be Chairman, LA would be standing for that post, and LT stated she would be standing for Vice Chair. Otherwise all present Committee members would be standing for their current roles. LA agreed to contact the Free Church with regard to chairs for the meeting, and would ask the PCSO to keep their presentation to 35 – 40 minutes. The MP and Councilors would also want to address the meeting. PB undertook to organize banners and to ask the School to include information on the AGM in their Newsletter. MW asked that, as Charmaine Julien had now formally resigned as secretary, everyone remove her from their internal mailing list, and stated that she would pass on the thanks of the Committee for her work (MW).

Vice Chair

Cissbury Fields Meeting 30 Jan, LA stated he would circulate the minutes. A minority of dog walkers seemed to be the main problem, including attacks on livestock.

SDNP Meeting, LA stated he would attend the Community meeting on 4th June and MW stated she might also attend. There was also a Climate Conference on 4th March in the Assembly Rooms which LA will attend, and another meeting on Viticulture.


CS explained various items in the accounts. MW asked CS to send the £80 cheque to Chestnut Tree House. MW stated she was meeting with Men-in Sheds regarding the new noticeboard and would discuss the glazing. She asked CS to advise her of the surplus from the Sheep Fair as the money raised was earmarked for materials for the noticeboard.


JB tabled a paper showing the current position. Various ideas for increasing membership were put forward. LA to ask Justin Burns (WSCC Libraries) if we can place membership leaflets in the library.

Schools Liaison

PB raised the issue of turning off car engines whilst waiting at the School. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of putting up notices, but it was noted that WSCC permission would be required, and the situation would require policing. It was agreed to raise the issue at the AGM. PB stated that The Vale Sumer Fair, with a theme of Friendly Monster, would be taking place on Friday 26th June, and the FVRA could again have a stall. It was agreed that PB should make the appropriate arrangements and CS would provide the £15 fee.


BJ reported that the heavy rainfall had caused quite a lot of damage. He stated he would monitor the repair of slabs in Cissbury Gardens that had been broken by builders. CS raised the issue of all-day parking on Kings Parade. BC advised this was discussed with WSCC Highways in May 21019 but no action due to lack of funding. LA will attend Findon Parish Council’s annual meeting 11 May, that includes an item on Community Speedwatch.


LT stated that she had suggested asking the Surgery if the staff car park could be used for the Farmers’ Market, and Cllr Sparkes had agreed to speak to Dr Dhillon to enquire. MW stressed the need to indicate that the FVRA was only facilitating the arrangement. It was agreed to accept the offer from the Woodland Trust of trees to be planted in the Valley and LT undertook to advise them accordingly and talk to Worthing Borough Council about the matter. It was noted that the Great British Spring Clean Litter Pick would be taking place on 20th March. LT stated that she would put information on the Noticeboard. It was agreed that LT would advise Tim Loughton’s office that the FVRA would be willing to organize a re-cycling event again. It was agreed that the Library would be the ideal location.


JB stated he had created a second Facebook page.


Drop in Sessions, It was noted that the next Drop-In Session would be on 7th March. LA and MW to attend.CS and LT would attend the Session on 2nd May. MW stated she would circulate a list of the Friends of the FVRA.

Crime Activity, LA highlighted the need to make people aware.It was agreed that ARK should be granted permission to place posters in the bus shelters.

The meeting closed at 10.00pm

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