Findon Valley Residents' Association
Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us
Tuesday 12th September: Findon Valley Free Church
In Attendance:
Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Paula Barnes (PB), Tony Anderson (TA), Clive Sanders (CS), Chloe Paddock (CP).
Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Neil Worsfold (NW).
Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.
The 2013 Constitution issue continues with LA having direct contact with the charity commission. It is hoped we will be able to keep our original charity number.
Web Content Officer post, TA offered to put together a job description and LA will progress.
One resident is noted as having a known interest in local history and LA will offer him the role of FVRA Historian, this will be a non-committee role. Idea to compile a history of the Valley on FVRA website. LA and TA will meet with him informally to discuss.
Feedback from the Art Exhibition; 90 attendees and items were sold on the day. LA took pictures of the event which will go on the website.
Vice Chair
As per report. Email update from Elizabeth Sparkes regarding the library grounds maintenance. There has been an issue with contractors and it is hoped that this will soon be resolved. (The rear grass section has now been cut).
Thanks to LA, PB + Mark and CP for offers of help at the Big Concert. Fliers will be ready to collect from JS this week, thanks to TA for help with resizing the original image. Discussion between LA and CS regarding Gift Aid on ticket sales. CS will investigate further.
PB will ask a neighbour who is a personal trainer if he might be interested in offering some sessions at the Outdoor Gym. Anthony Read, Head Ranger, has ordered the replacement parts required and Emily, our local Ranger, will be in touch to arrange a working party to get the equipment spruced up.LA suggested a combined Health and Wellbeing Event with Limetree Surgery at one of our markets.
TB will have the sum up machine for ticket sales on her return from holiday.
As per report. Balance at 31/08/23 £11.7k.Small typo to be corrected re Market fees.
Membership Secretary
Membership currently up by 13% on last year and we have 9 new members.NW has suggested a replacement for the market banner and this was agreed.NW to research options and present for discussion at next meeting.LT will ask Elizabeth Sparkes if there is any possibility of siting the banner nearer to the A24 as in it’s current position it is not really visible.
Schools liaison
As report. Agreed that tombola for CE could be mixture of chocolate and other confectionery (which will cut costs if we need to top up). PB will contact the Vale to see if the Choir can be involved this year.
A Thursday afternoon session will be arranged for the children to do a session in the community garden with Matthew and on the wildflower patch on the Gallops with Emily, before Christmas.
As per report. MW unable to attend the monthly Cissbury meeting, LA and/or CS will attend. Some discussion over whether there has been a general fall off in action since Craig Daters left SDNPA. This will be raised at the next meeting.
The Ragwort pulling session proved to be hard work for just a small section of field 4. Hay with ragwort cannot be used as fodder. The long term solution will be grazing cattle.
There has been no further feedback regarding the traffic plan.CS will chase Elizabeth Sparkes.The new ‘School Streets’ trial at Thomas A Beckett school noted.
Web Administrator
TA has been unwell and apologised for any delays in action on the website. Competition idea will be considered in the New Year with a nominal prize offered.
Events and Media
CB has confirmed that the issue over the road closure for the CE has been resolved and plans can now progress. The CE will be the focus for our October meeting.
It was agreed that HH and SL would be removed from the email circulation list. This has already been actioned by TA. Please can everyone check their lists and removed these two addresses from messages to ‘all’.
Christmas Day Lunch. LT will chase FVFC regarding free use of their facilities and will contact Father Andrew to see if there are more people who may like to attend. TA will approach the warden (Paul) at Cissbury Court to see if any more residents might like to attend.
Volunteering requirements can then be decided.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 10th October 7.00pm at FVFC