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FVRA Committee Minutes September 2021

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 13th September: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Paula Barnes (PB),Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW), Roger Oakley (RO), Matthew Ward (MW) The meeting was quorate.


Terri Binstead.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes from 9th August were agreed and can now be published on our website and displayed on the notice board.


Committee Vacancies, No interest has been shown in our Events and IT/Communications roles. A specific email to our members could be the next move, highlighting the two roles.

Renewal of FVRA equipment, we need a new gazebo, robust with unzippable sides. Ideally a local business could sponsor this.We need to progress the two 3×1 metre banners, that Jacobs Steel have agreed to fund.Also the 6’x2′ vertical pull-up banner needs replacing as it is out of date and looking a bit old.LT suggested writing an inventory of all equipment in the store.

Library, WSCC Libraries will hold a risk assessment in October, LA has stated we hope to then re-commence evening meetings.It would be useful to ask the library to hold a stock of our membership forms and newsletters, and Jacobs Steel could be asked to print 100 of each. [Later: Maddy Riches has agreed we can hold leaflets at the library].

Grit Bins, WSCC are content for Vale School to manage the two on Vale Drive and have provided links to a WSCC weather web page. PB to check with the school then LA to obtain keys from Ron Merriman.As regards Coombe Rise, WSCC don’t have resource to move the grit bin to Jacobs Steel corner. LA to ask WBC if they can. The bin is topped with garden waste and general litter at present. Downside Close: this location at the head of a quiet close has very little footfall. No action to take at present.

Community Garden, WSCC have confirmed that when we install the benches they should be bolted down to concrete foundations. They are still working on the licence agreement.

King’s Parade, The planters are in situ now and also hanging baskets on lamp posts.LA has asked WBC to clarify where the contractor’s duties end and ours begin. In the meanwhile Worthing Suzuki have kindly agreed FVRA can use their outside tap for watering cans.Drivers have expressed concern that the planter nearest Merry Miller obscures the view when exiting King’s Parade. WBC are on the case to review the risk [later: the planters have been moved back to improve drivers’ view].

Little Gallops, A resident has alerted LA that the gate between Mill Lane and the Little Gallops site had been broken down and created a risk of unauthorised encampment. LA advised councillors Dan Humphreys and Elizabeth Sparkes – the WBC rangers will investigate.

Storrington Rise car park, The Worthing Herald 2 September had an article on all the food & drink pop-up stalls around Worthing and included Storrington Rise as one of the “clusters”, being promoted by WBC with friendly community-led atmospheres. We should seek clarification from WBC, as residents would not wish Storrington Rise to become a “food court”.

Art & Craft groups, Terry Beaumont is re-starting the Art Group at the Free Church (Lounge room) on Monday 13 Sept, 2 till 4pm. No change to previous room rental structure.The group has a useful role in combatting social isolation. The separate Crafts Group is not restarting just yet. LA to speak with Maureen Denton.

Free Church, FVFC has a new minister, Rev. Ali Moore, and husband Richard is the administrator. They are looking to re-launch the Church and have asked to meet FVRA to discuss opportunities in the Valley. LA and LT will meet them on Sunday. NB FVRA would equally meet with all local faiths.

Vice Chair

Farmers Market, The October market falls on 31st so will have a Halloween theme. LT has various decorative items and members are encouraged to dress in Halloween style. LT will approach Lime Tree Surgery and Pharmacy toensure the vans are moved.

Christmas Market (19 December), LT and PB have met with Sharon Leppard on early planning. Opening hours will be 10 till 4. There is strong interest from traders. Sharon will apply for alcohol licence, which FVRA will fund. LT will investigate Street Food vendors. If the Surgery ‘top’ car park is used for food and drink the staff garden can be used for seating. There could be singing, eg Free Church and All Saints combined, and Vale School. PB to contact school. Maggie W will arrange tombola, and Santa will be in attendance.

LA to contact Justin Burns re using library as power source for gazebo lights, and also to agree positioning of Christmas Tree in library garden facing Findon Road. PB suggested that Vale School pupils could create laminated decorations.


TB was unable to attend.


Figures as at 31 August circulated, total funds currently £6,939.

CS has had difficulty with HSBC in increasing the daily online payment limit to £500, and updating the signature mandate. HSBC had mislaid some documents, and had sent £50 as apology. CS to arrange second signatory update.

We now have 506 members for 2021. NW questioned how payments are going to be monitored and he suggested that as direct debit payments come in at various times of the year he will be able to give 365 days from the payment date. This needs to be discussed further as cash option and street collection will still be available on a calendar year basis. Further discussion to be had on this

CS noted that HSBC are introducing new bank charges on the account, £5 per month. Opening a new account with Charities Aid Foundation could have benefits including a debit card facility and slight discount on direct debit fees. It was agreed to open a CAF account to run parallel with HSBC. The HSBC account could close once all standing orders were moved.


Currently 532 payments from 510 members. Where members join FVRA later in the year and pay by direct debit, their membership will run to the next DD payment, and not automatically expire on 31 December.

Schools liaison

No more information has been received about the defibrillator. The school have been made aware of our proposed No news yet on installing the defibrillator (on public side of school main gate).

PB stated that the school will be clearing the Gallops wildflower patch 19 October, ready for re-sowing for next year. WBC ranger Graeme Broker will be involved. It is intended to develop a photographic Plant ID guide. MW has offered to be involved.


Cissbury Fields / The Gallops, WBC had been looking to engage with the local community re Cissbury Fields in September but nothing heard yet. LA to write to Cllr Humphreys.

Volunteers Group: MW reported that the first session 4 September had been a success with 7 attendees clearing the path from The Gallops to Mill Lane. Where possible the first Saturday in each month will be the regular team date. October activity will be the footpath from Bost Hill junction to Storrington Rise car park.MW will issue monthly reminders to the volunteer team members. There is no need for FVRA to purchase special tools at this stage.

The SDNPA senior ranger Craig Daters had been in contact to advise that volunteers may be needed to help plant trees and hedgerows in the Cissbury Fields area. MW had responded positively in principle.


RO highlighted the potential priorities for action should we proceed with a Traffic Regulation Order for one. In potential order (highest first) and discussion comments in italics:

1) Parking, including top of Coombe Rise, Vale Drive, Lime Tree Avenue south end. Need to include Storrington Rise also. LA to contact Cllr Humphreys re improved off road parking for Cissbury Fields.2) Speed limits: reduction in current A24 limits, possible 20mph on residential side roads. WSCC had mooted A24 reductions. Noted that Maytree and Lime Tree Avenues are fast rat runs, and roads such as Coombe Rise had also seen speeding.3) Traffic signs for Coombe Rise (redirection) and Vale Drive (‘Cut your Engines’).4) Pelican/ Toucan A24 crossing near Downside Avenue.5) Cycle path on A24 Bost Hill to Black Horse. WSCC is progressing this although with cycle/ pedestrian shared space, whereas segregation is safer.6) Grass verges and replanting trees on residential roads.RO paper to be circulated with these minutes. RO noted that the WSCC Local Committees (of councillors) will no longer take place but there will be a new format of meetings for councillors to consider local needs eg speed limits, parking restrictions.

Communication (Vacant Role)

The use of mailchimp for circulating newsletters looks professional. We could also make greater use of Nextdoor eg. LT had used Nextdoor to promote the markets. PB will create posters promoting our Facebook page at the next market (Findon Valley Residents’ Association – Events).

Events (Vacant Role)

CS suggested that FVRA could facilitate street parties for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.Each road would organise their own party. RO will circulate the current council requirements eg for road closures and other licences.


RO said that FVRA could consider seeking council grants funding for community events where appropriate.

LT advised that a local resident is looking to set up a Findon Valley Men in Sheds group. This could be a very useful community group, and could help reduce social isolation etc. LT and LA to meet with the proposer.

Date of next meeting 11 October at 7.30pm via zoom unless otherwise advised in advance.

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