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FVRA Committee Minutes October 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Tuesday 10th October: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Terri Binstead (TB), Chloe Paddock (CP), Colin Binstead (CB), Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Paula Barnes (PB) .

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 12th September were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


LA introduced Terry Field from Hollingbury Gardens who is very interested in local history, old photos etc. Terry explained a little about himself and his interests and how he would like to develop local history in the area and put on the website etc. He agreed to become historian for the FVRA.

LA has advertised in November’s Sussex Local for a “web content and media manager”

The constitution is having to be rewritten and LA has been spending much time liaising with the Charities Commission to amend previous constitutions and bring a new constitution up to date. He outlined many of the legal requirements including that all charities using social media must have policies in place and that our AGM must have a quorum of 50 people.

LA also attended an online meeting discussing the future plans for Cissbury Fields.

A date for next year’s AGM was considered and LA will circle a few dates in March to see which suits. A new Chair will need to be elected at this AGM as LA has done his full four year term.

Vice Chair

LT will let the surgery and pharmacy know future dates for the markets to try and avoid the pharmacy vans being parked in the way on market days.

Community garden still looking good and contractors have now cut the grass in the rear area.

Feedback from the latest Offington Panel Meeting was given to the committee and of relevance to the valley is that Coffee Camp have had an application granted for occasional food vans to set up outside during the evening ( probably Friday evenings).

The Community Highways Scheme that CS worked on is still being considered.

FVFC have agreed that we can use their facilities again this year to do a Christmas lunch and neither them or All Saints have events planned for Christmas Day.

Tom Micklewright managing partner of Lime Tree forwarded an update to the meeting indicating practice news which included that the winter vaccine campaign is in full flow, staff sickness is beginning to take its toll as winter approaches and the surgery continue to try and get locum cover when necessary. Portacabin is now in place and steps will be arriving very soon so the extra space can then start being used.


No report other than concert update.


The account balance is £11,849.92. This includes ticket sales for the concert. CS explained the difference between CAF bank and CAF donate and why we can’t sell for profit using either account eg. taking payment for tickets through CAF.

Membership Secretary

NW produced latest membership figures and a chart comparing how numbers fluctuate. Membership at present is 384 households.

Schools liaison

PB has approached the school for a date after half term to clear the wildflower patch and is hoping to arrange for a small gardening group to help MW in November. She is waiting to hear if the school will have appointed school councillors this year.


The Friends of the Valley spent a morning removing Old Man’s Beard from field 6.The roses in the community garden have bounced back after the recent dry weather. The next work party will be on 21st October working on the library garden. Funding has been granted for the first phase of planting in the community orchard. Matthew would like to have a new group alongside the friends group focusing solely on Cissbury Fields.


CS has been informed that there is no money at present for Highways. He is going to ask for feedback from the July meeting when he presented his survey.

LA contacted Elizabeth Sparkes about bus signs and has been informed we are still on the list for them.

Web Administrator

TA produced comprehensive details about visits to the web site which are very informative. He had a meeting with LA and also Terry Field to discuss TF becoming the FVRA historian sourcing and supplying old photos and writing articles about FV history. NW has supplied TA with a link to a USAAF Reconnaissance Photograph of Worthing.

Events and Media

The concert on the 27th October was discussed in some detail but time got the better of us and the Christmas Extravaganza was quickly updated to all by CB.NW is to hire a van for the concert so that tables, chairs etc can be transported to the school. There has been no interest from local or charity groups so far for the CE, only from Arundel gin and Dave Hunt.


There was no other business.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 14th November 7.00pm at FVFC

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