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FVRA Committee Minutes October 2022

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 10th October: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Clive Sanders (CS), Colin Binstead (CB), Neil Worsley (NW).


Hannah Hunte (HH).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 12th September were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


LA thanked RO, who is moving away from the valley, for his service to the FVRA. We now have two vacancies on the committee although MW still remains as our Environment Adviser.

It was agreed we should use the two existing benches in the library garden for the time being. Although one had slight fire damage it was not bad enough to warrant replacement at this time.

The garden is to be named “Jubilee Memorial Garden” which is an acceptable name under the rules for memorial gardens in memory of the Queen.

LA along with committee members CS, NW and CB attended a further update meeting at Cissbury Fields with Councillors, Park Rangers and others to discuss how plans for the fields are moving on.

Details in Chair’s written report. LA and MW are attending a follow up Google meet on 12th October and it is hoped to share information with residents in the near future.

Elizabeth Sparkes is arranging a meeting with WSCC Highways Manager Adam Bazeley along with LA and CS to discuss our traffic survey, cycle route, speed signs etc. The cycle route should be completed in January.

The equality and diversity policy has been accepted and can now be added to the website.

Also an FVRA payments policy has been agreed although not to be available on the website.

Vice Chair

The market had some new stalls which were very welcoming. There was also a performance by Henhouse Rock which was very popular.

The concrete is now completed in preparation for the benches in the library garden.

The store is very full !!!

LA has submitted a grant application to the Sussex Community Foundation to help with Christmas events. A decision will be made mid November.

A Warm Spaces scheme Warm Welcome Initiative meeting is being held at FVFC with Ally and Father Andrew which LT will be attending to discuss how the community can provide shelter throughout the winter months. Several organisations including WSCC, Age UK and Tom from Lime Tree Surgery are interested in getting this set up.


I contacted Paul Legrave at the West Sussex Lieutenancy Office for guidance on the naming of the library garden. There are several rules and regulations that need to be followed if we wish to refer it to the Queen using her name hence our calling it Jubilee Memorial Garden (as mentioned in Chair’s report).

The library will be closed for two weeks from 29th October for repairs to the roof.

The Book of Condolence can be taken to the Town Hall civic room or to the records office at Chichester where it will be stored along with other West Sussex condolence books.

Colin met with Dave Hunt and measured out that the ideal place for the roundabout is outside Merry Miller.


The account balance is £8,703.61 as of the end of September.This includes total interest of £7.17. We spent £230 more than we received in September.It was agreed after some discussion that the Treasurer will set up a annual direct debit payment for the website Domain.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is 545 (paid 2021/2022).Discussion held around how to get new members as we have only accomplished 19 this year.

Schools liaison

PB has not heard from Vale School with regard to a chocolate tombola so will go ahead with it using her own ideas.

The school have asked us to donate a raffle prize for their Christmas event. Agreed to do so.

A clearing and sowing seeds afternoon with Vale school and Graeme has been postponed until November.

PB is unable to post on the Facebook FVRA events page and asked for help to sort this.


MW submitted a report stating that some of the Cissbury Fields have been cut and the arisings are due to be baled.The Gallops will have the north end cut and the grass removed while the southern end will be cut and the grass left.

He will be attending the on line progress meeting on the 10th October.

Five volunteers assisted with removing the overgrown lavender (and ivy) which will be bagged and removed by a garden contractor. A crab apple (John Downie) and seven Queen Elizabeth roses have been ordered and should arrive in November. These will form the basis of a commemorative planting. The rest of the area can be planted up in the winter which MW will organise. He will be grateful for plant donations.


A meeting is to be arranged with WSCC highways manager. (see Chair’s report)LA is keen to action getting information signs at the bus stops in the valley.

Web Administrator

TA is still working on the operating manual for those who are adding content to the website which is proving very time consuming and difficult.

He reiterated a new section entitled Local Nature and Wildlife which he would like others to add to when they have relevant information of interest.

TA has added a page respectfully showing the messages of condolence that were written in the condolence book. He also has a wild flower quiz and Bioblitz page to set up.

Further details were given as to how he is working on the site.

Events and Media

There was much discussion around the CE event which is beginning to come together. Details at the end of the minutes.

Posters are now done and out for the Big Band night on 11th November. Tickets are available from the church office and online. LA and HH will run a soft drinks bar but will need volunteers to help on the night.

Richard from FVFC has signed up three members to help with the Christmas Day Lunch.

NW has now taken delivery of two sailflags one of which he has successfully tested during high winds.


CB suggested having our webpage advertising FVRA at events including the market and Christmas Extravaganza.This seemed quite popular and NW suggested approaching the library for displaying on their computers.

CS enquired as to the ongoing plans regarding dog ambassadors. Informed that the council are liaising with other areas where this has happened to get feedback and will then inform us.

Date of next meeting: Monday 14th November 7.30pm.

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