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FVRA Committee Minutes November 2021

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 8th November: Findon Valley Library

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Terri Binstead (TB), Clive Sanders (CS) Roger Oakley (RO) Tony Anderson (TA)


Paula Barnes, Matthew Ward

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes from 11th October were agreed and will now be published on our website and displayed on the notice board.Correction to meeting with Rev Ali Moore. This took place at the FVFC not FVRC.We can now have access to the Library again for committee meetings as required.


LA welcomed TA to the meeting as the committee’s new web administrator.A new gazebo has been purchased and a trial ‘set up’ has been arranged for the weekend.Two new banners 3×1 metres are to be ordered from Impress in Broadwater. LA will circulate the wording of the banners for approval and will also draft a new wording for the roll up banner. The two sail banners also need to be checked Justin Burns is allowing us use of the library at a cost of £10 an hour for a maximum of eight people. This needs to be increased to10.Permission has been given for a Christmas tree in the library garden.Justin has moved to a new role within WSCC libraries and our new contact will be Ian Patchett.It was decided not to restart the resident drop in sessions back at the library as the monthly markets now provide this link.Vale school are happy to take on management of the two grit bins in Vale Drive and the residents who were managing them have been informed. LA has also contacted WSCC via Love West Sussex asking for Vale Drive to be added to the gritting lorry route. He is awaiting a reply but will forward request to Elizabeth Sparkes if he does not hear within a week.Climate change was discussed and LA suggested encouraging people to walk or cycle within the valley rather than using their car so frequently. A suggested slogan could be “Give the car a break”FVRA has a duty to protect and develop a safe environment and as part of that is also involved in the development of Cissbury Fields and The GallopsThe maintenance of the two wooden bus shelters in the valley is the responsibility of FVRA and TA has agreed that his “Shedders” (men in sheds) will check the condition of the shelters and apply a coat of preservative along with help from the valley volunteers. LA has discussed the possibility of electronic information boards at the Kings Parade bus stops with RO who is looking into this

Vice Chair

The farmers market was cancelled due to adverse weather causing many stall holders to cancel.Next market 28th November.Plans for the Christmas market are progressing well and we have Father Christmas Volunteers. A costume is needed for this. NW thinks it may be possible to hire from FVFC. A discussion was had re lighting for the Christmas market. All stall holders will provide their own and we can possibly use car batteries to light up some other areas.The community garden has been tidied for the winter and LA has now received an email to say that the licence for the community garden should be completed in a few days. The council will be approached to do the ground work and to fix the two benches into concrete and bolt them to the ground


CB is continuing to manage the notice boards and updates as required. The Lime Tree notice boardis quite temperamental. CB will look into this and either repair or arrange renewal of the locks.


The bank balance stands at £6,836.66. Income consisted of just two membership payments.Payment has been made for a new gazebo, annual website costs and for the use of the library.Forms for opening the new bank account were submitted in October and are being processed. Both HSBC and the new CAF account will be run in conjunction for the time being.Letters are to be sent to all members who pay by standing order informing them of the new direct debit request.


We now have 512 members for 2021. NW has identified members who pay by standing order or bank transfer and will liaise with Treasurer to create a personal letter to these people regarding the change of bank and direct debit payments.

Schools liaison

Clearing of the wild flower patch has taken place with Graeme Brooker the Park Ranger and members of Vale School.The Vale School Choir will sing at the Christmas Market for about 15 minutes and children from the school are also going to make 2D Christmas decorations which PB will laminate for the community Christmas tree.PB will also advertise the Christmas market to school parents and on Facebook towards end of November and December.Santa’s grotto and other activities are also being prepared.There is no further news on the defibrillator although money is still being raised by the school for this.


LA and MW met with Graeme Brooker, Adur and Worthing ranger and Craig Daters, South Downs ranger to discuss Cissbury Fields. A plan is being prepared for stating the proposed way to enhance wildlife in the area while also allowing public access. It is hoped to be completed early in the New Year and a draft will be launched enabling full scrutiny of the proposals. FVRA remain a major stakeholder. The planned, much delayed cut is unlikely to take place now and a more suitable partner is being sought to take on the necessary contract.Planting will begin this winter and the Findon Valley volunteer group will be involved. A section of hedge will be planted for the area at the top of Central Avenue and MW has applied for a donation of 300 saplings from the Woodland Trust. Further planting of trees and hedging will take place on an ad hoc basis. The approach will be low key with public consultation/ explanation The north end of The Gallops has been mowed and the grass has been left on the field margin thus encouraging the flower seeds to spread and to keep the soil unnourished. The volunteer group will assist the ranger to spread the arising to the south end of the field on Saturday 13th November.MW has agreed to take on maintenance of the Kings Parade planters along with the Findon Valley Volunteers. WBC will supply seasonal bedding plants. LA suggested that FVRA may finance some of the new trees


Information has been sought on the possibility of getting an electronic bus information board at the bus stops near Kings Parade. The local transport group have been contacted and have referred the enquiry to South East Transport. It is thought that WSCC will cover the cost.A local traffic survey is being prepared by RO and CS and a draft questionnaire was produced for debate. Various ways of producing the survey were discussed with a paper survey considered initially which could be distributed in the area with the Sussex Local magazine. Discussion and finaising is still ongoing

Web Administrator

TA has met with the previous administrator and has new ideas about moving the web site forward.He suggests only keeping two years records on the web with other information being stored safely on hard disc. This would also reduce the annual cost of the website. TA is also prepared to set up a new https website which is free for charities and he recommends this as the way forward. It will be a help to him if committee members can give him feedback on the site as it is now. For example information that is needed and Lao that which can be deleted.


The Lodge at Durrington Cemetery is vacant and TA has applied to use it for their Men in Sheds (Shedders) meetings. If this goes ahead there is a possibility that it could become a meeting place for FVRA too in the future.


With the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations happening next year LA informed the committee that street parties will not need to get a licence for drinks or music


TA voiced concern at the amount of lorries who use Bost Hill causing traffic problems. There is a lorry restriction on the road but it is not enforced.

Date of next meeting 13th December 7.30pm at the library

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