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FVRA Committee Minutes May 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 15th May: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Paula Barnes (PB), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Tony Anderson (TA), Clive Sanders (CS).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 3rd April were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


Please forward any feedback on Coronation Event to LA for discussion at the next meeting please.

A27 plans as per report to include 90 new homes will impact on already existing traffic issues.

New constitution still not registered with the Charity Commission, LA in discussion with Maggie W on this.

LA wants to pursue the Neighbourly application to try and get CoOp sponsorship for the Memorial Garden plaque, Maggie W is checking to see if she has previously set up a password.

Mr Charles Land-Reeves has donated a typed booklet on the history of Findon to FVRA and has offered to be our archivist.

Vice Chair

As per report.


All points for discussion at next meeting.


As per report. A surplus of £702 from the CE to be split between FVRA and FVFC.

Membership Secretary

347 members including 6 new ones. Email distribution list is 481. On website there is a ‘donation’ button not a ‘membership’ button, to be raised with TA.

Will send out email re: Men’s Health Event to be held at Coffee Camp in conjunction with Limetree Surgery (and which LA will also attend on behalf of Prostate Cancer charity)

Classic car meet at CE to become an annual event. There will be a limited registration for which there will be a fee.

Schools liaison

Vale Summer Fair Friday 7th July, set up from 15:45 for 16:00 opening. Please let PB know if you are free to help man this event, if sufficient offers PB will draw up a list of 1.5 hour slots to cover the event. We agreed that we will do a Table Top Quiz.

Involvement of Vale in Community orchard and community garden to be discussed with MW.

Emily and Anthony Read have agreed to do a litter pick in July with the children and PB plans a thank you Tea Party.

New resident in Vale Drive, John Ward, has approached PB regarding parking around the school. He is due to meet with the Head teacher. LA reiterated that though we recognise the challenge of inconsiderate parking we are not an enforcement agency. PB mentioned the Safer Streets Initiative but this requires resident volunteers.


As per report there will be a monthly meeting with AWC to discuss Cissbury fields business. MW has a meeting with a permaculturist on Tuesday.There is a Cissbury Working Party on Saturday 20th meet in Coombe Rise carpark at 10am to work in field 2.


Highways issues, CS has a meeting in June with Elizabeth Sparkes, Dan Humphreys and Adam (?) from WSCC Highways to discuss security of the fields, parking , access at top of Central Avenue, 20 mph limit. He will create a ‘wish list’.

LA to ask CS to chase the interactive bus information that was offered some time ago.

Web Administrator

See detailed report. There are some capacity issues with the free email service and everyone is asked to review and delete any unwanted items, particularly attachments and pictures which take up space.

MW met with TA to produce a Valley Wildlife Quiz, can this be put on the website? or be used for the Vale Fair?

Coronation photographs requires a gallery tab please.

Events and Media

Everyone agreed we are getting better and slicker with our events and this was evident with increased numbers for CE.

Richard Moore has admin. rights for our Facebook account so he can post on our behalf.

Richard has offered assistance with social media and PB reported that discussions with him were useful.

Discussion re music event in the autumn possibly at the Vale.

TB has previously suggested the Rock Choir and LA the Brighton Big Band.

LT also attended a concert by Hilary Burt’s Band Blue Calluna and recommends them. (Hilary is Mark Bassey’s wife)

Christmas Extravaganza 2023. CB has offered to be facilitator and it has been agreed that this event will include the December Artisan Market in collaboration with Sharon Leppard.


PB will ask CS to order A4 sized perspex stands for notices at markets/events.

NW asked to clarify HH’s input to Facebook as he is concerned she is still the first point of contact. We don’t want to miss any messages. PB will contact HH to get account contact changed back to FVRA.

Date of next meeting Monday 12th June 7.30pm at the FVFC meeting room.

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