Findon Valley Residents' Association
Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us
Monday 9th May: Remote meeting via zoom
In Attendance:
Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Clive Sanders (CS), Tony Anderson (TA), Matthew Ward (MW), Paula Barnes (PB), Roger Oakley (RO).
Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Hannah Hunte (HH).
Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes of the 11th April were agreed and can be published on the web site and notice boards.
The suggestion of opening an FVRA Amazon Account will not be progressed at this time.
LA report circulated.
WSCC Libraries have agreed to the use of the library for the Jubilee event.
LA and MW will meet Maggie Winter 11 May to discuss the library garden project.
LA to write welcome letter to newly elected WBC councillor Nigel Morgan and to invite all councillors and MP to the Jubilee event.
Neighbourhood Watch have been offered a display at the May market. Hazelhurst Crescent and May Tree Avenue south are to receive NHW signage.
Speed limit deterrent warning signs have been erected on Salvingon Hill and LA has discussed with High Salvington RA chair Mary Meadows. To be investigated further as possibility for the rat run along May Tree and Lime Tree avenues.Bus Stop real-item information signs: LA has contacted WSCC Councillor Sparkes highlighting the potential for King’s Parade (north and south). Has been referred to and logged by WSCC Highways for review.
LA will attend HSRA AGM 12 May as guest.
LA advised the committee that a Vale Drive resident has made a complaint against the chair. LA is willing to meet to investigate and resolve, with another committee member in attendance. NW will write back to the individual.
At the April market a freak gust of wind had overturned our gazebo, despite being pegged down. There were no injuries and no damage done. To be double-pegged in future or weights obtained.
Vice Chair
LT report circulated.
The market on April 24th was well attended with some new stallholders. Photos to go on website. All to be aware of market rota for forthcoming months.
Worthing Borough Council will be unable to assist with clearing the library central bed, FVRA to progress, and hopefully tidy up before the Jubilee event.
The persistent fresh water leak in the toilet block store area has still not been fixed, and is damaging the shelving. Attempts to lock the particular toilet cubicle out of use have failed. WBC to be chased again.
LT has spoken with new councillor Nigel Morgan, and highlighted FVRA’s role in community initiatives eg Cissbury Fields. It was agreed we would invite him to one of our zoom meetings as an introduction.
TB report circulated.
WBC feel it would not be suitable for FVRA to use the noticeboard in the cemetery.
Our other noticeboards now include the Jubilee posters. Still awaiting Jacobs Steel decision on potential new noticeboard on Cissbury Avenue corner.
TB and CB preparing fun quiz for Jubilee, ideally to be outside but out of prevailing wind.
The account balance stands at £8,201.CS report circulated.
HSBC had rejected the account closure request as their mandate is well out of date (bank error). CS will ask Maggie Winter to countersign the closure form.
CS had contacted our insurers regarding the Jubilee, and we are covered for public liability, up to 500 attendees, excepting for the bouncy castle. We will need to ensure FVFC’s insurance covers the castle – owned by the church and used on their lawn.
NW has produced a new A5 membership form. He confirmed that following recent discussion, CAF Bank do not require direct debit payers to submit their dates of birth.
Mailchimp ‘opened’ rates were Jubilee 72%, Bake-Off 59%, Container Garden 64%.
The use of DropBox for key documents eg Jubilee Planning was discussed.
Schools liaison
PB report circulated.
The Gallops seed sowing took place on 27 April and has been communicated on Parentmail, Facebook, website and in Sussex Local.
PB gave an update on Jubilee plans for the Container Garden, Arts & Crafts, Sweets in Jar etc.
FVRA will have a stand at the Vale School Summer Fair, 4pm on 1 July. Possibly an environment display provided by local Ranger?
MW report circulated.
Five volunteers attended the recent litter pick, and only two bags were collected, as levels of litter were relatively low. MW noted that a number of residents are active litter pickers themselves, and are “unsung heroes’.
The next Valley Volunteers work group will be 14 May, top of Central Avenue, weeding and mulching the recently-planted hedge. A couple of members of the public had grumbled about Cissbury Fields access points at the top of Central Avenue, being fenced off. However the public right of way is just a few yards further south, and the Fields are still not Open Access Land.
Several benches on The Gallops are in a poor state of repair and MW is contacting the WBC Ranger.Following MW’s Street Tree Survey, he will meet with LT and LA to discuss a Tree Strategy, and possible planting of commemorative trees.
RO is compiling the comments and suggestions from the c200 responses to the Traffic Survey, and will circulate to the committee. Councillor Sparkes also keen to see the outcome. The overall response numbers and categories will be published on the website.
Temporary cameras have been noted on the controlled pedestrian crossing near the library. This is part of a wider WSCC Highways census of traffic volumes, and unfortunately not to catch red light ‘dodgers’.
Web Administrator
TA stated that the new website is almost ready to launch. Hits on the old website will need auto-redirecting. Publicity is needed for the new site, inc. mailchimp, Sussex Local, social media.
It was recognised that TA had spend a great deal of time on developing the new website, which was looking very smart.
Events and Media
The Jubilee main planning document was discussed in detail, and will be put on DropBox so all can see and input. A meeting with FVFC is needed to compare notes, discuss resourcing of shared activities, bouncy castle insurance and risk assessments etc. set for 16 May.
RO noted that number of requirement will have to be met for the Road Closure inc. diversion signs and marshals to redirect any traffic that does attempt to turn into Lime Tree Avenue. It was agreed that Central Avenue would be a safer diversionary route than Cissbury Avenue. Public events carry a risk of alcohol-related problems, but as we are not providing alcohol this should be low risk.
LT advised that in the Valley only one other road closure event would take place, in Downside Avenue.LA, LT and PB to meet further with HH in advance of the FVFC meeting.
CS suggested that future online meetings could be via Teams rather than Zoom, to give greater flexibility, not be reliant on one named ‘Host’, and lower cost that Zoom. It was agreed this could be useful.
Date of next meeting 13th June 7.30pm via zoom.