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FVRA Committee Minutes June 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 12th June: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lorraine Taylor (LT), Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Colin Binstead (CB), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barnes (PB), Clive Sanders (CS).

A talk about dementia awareness was to be given by Dr Mannings at the beginning of the evening but the scheme is being withdrawn by the Alzheimer’s Society so Dr Mannings did not stay. He will keep us informed when things change.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed subject to some wording relating to subscription payments and further discussion will be had with the Treasurer and Membership Secretary. May’s minutes can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


The changes to the Constitution are still ongoing and have been updated to the Charity Commission, once accepted the 2023 version can be updated to them also.

LA has approached Lyndsey Nichols at the library to enquire whether FVRA can use the library address but has not received a reply yet.

Monthly meetings are being held with Worthing Borough Council to discuss Cissbury Fields with LA, CS and MW being our representatives. Craig Daters is moving on from his South Downs Ranger role and LA expressed our thanks to him and wished him well for the future. MW has advised WBC that local resident Gillian Trott is experienced in orchards through Brighton Permaculture, who could be helpful and have expanded their remit west of Brighton.

Vice Chair

Sharon now has admin rights to our Facebook page and will post market information on our behalf. Richard also has admin rights to update “ What’s on” on our web page.

LT has asked Dan Humphreys to chase AWC regarding installation of the litter bin in the Community Garden. LT has also reported to Dan that the toilets are not being locked at night. Fly tipping is still taking place by the Community Chest dumpster. LA was due to chase this up.


TB has now had feedback from FVFC stating how successful the Coronation Event was. They gave no negative responses and said how they appreciate the shared events we are both putting on for the community and look forward to the next one.


The account balance is £11,305.41CS also provided completed accounts of the Coronation Event and we made a surplus which was split between ourselves and FVFC.February and May markets also helped to boost our income.

Membership Secretary

Current membership stands at 358 now. 11 members renewed their subs at the post office. NW is now trying to send two emails for most announcements. One to current members and another to those who are non members advising them that they are not a member of FVRA.

Schools liaison

Everything is in order for the school summer fair. Children from the Vale will be helping MW on 15th June at the Community Garden and will be doing a litter pick on The Gallops on 11th July. PB will ask for some photos to display on our web site.


The Beech Tree in the second Cissbury field has been cleared of weeds and overgrowth underneath it in readiness for a Community Orchard. MW and LA met with Gillian Trott who has experience in developing orchards ( see Chairman’s report)

Emily Ford is now the council Ranger and she has worked with another Ranger, Craig Ifield to get a funding application in for an orchard.

MW has been tending the community garden and has noticed the seats are being well used. He has also been working with TA to develop a wild flower quiz on the website.

The next working party is Saturday 24th June when weeding the new hedge running from Storrington Rise car park will be undertaken.


CS has arranged meetings with Elizabeth Sparkes and Adam Bazly in mid July to discuss outstanding issues and the FVRA wish list.

A meeting was also held with Lime Tree Surgery to assess the impact on parking in the area following the planning application for a dental practice.

Web Administrator

TA gave a detailed update of work on the website for May including working on a wild flower quiz with MW.

He also intends to have a “Friends of Findon Valley” page.

Events and Media

Provisional plans were discussed for a musical concert possibly in Vale School who will be contacted for possible use of their hall.


Plans have been submitted for a dental surgery in Lime Tree surgery at No. 8 Coombe Rise. There will also be a temporary hut in the car park for 3 years approximately.

TA asked if anyone would like a quiz put on the website please provide a template of questions and answers for him.

Date of next meeting Monday 10th July 7.30pm at the FVFC meeting room.

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