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FVRA Committee Minutes June 2020

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 8th June: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Paula Barns (PB), Clive Sanders (CS) . The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.


N/A, All present.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Agreed as a true record. LA had still to contact Neighbourhood Watch regarding a piece in our June or July e-newsletter. LA will forward the approved minutes to Jim Booth to load on our website, as agreed at last meeting.


Vacancies, LA reported that no expressions of interest had been received for our committee vacancies. LT has set up a facility on NextDoor and will use the newsletter wording. LA has written to Dr. Dhillon at Lime Tree Surgery, one of their team may be interested. We could contact Vale School also, PB suggested September depending upon coronavirus situation.

Committee Handbook, LA had written this new reference guide and circulated it to committee members. An External Contact List will follow. It was suggested that contacts in the Library Drop-In book could be added.

Community Garden, volunteers had been weeding and adding compost. No response yet from Findon Garden Centre re possible sponsorship of concrete planters. The previous supplier had now been cancelled by CS – it was noted that the cost was not realistically affordable by FVRA. Watering is a key issue – CS reported that the chosen hosepipe was out of stock [later: ordered 9 June, as back in stock].

AGM, postponed from 4 April. Justin Burns at WSCC Library Service is unable to commit to dates in September, and if 2-metre social distance rules are still in place the library might only accommodate about 20 people anyway. PB will enquire about Vale School main hall, for either 19 or 26 September.

Trustees, LA has written to the two longstanding ‘dormant’ trustees inviting them to take a more active role, as expected by the Charity Commission. No responses as yet.

Vice Chair

Planning, T reported that Coffee Camp on Kings Parade had applied for off-licence alcohol sales. There are already numerous off-licence retailers in the Valley. It was agreed that although FVRA cannot interfere in commercial/ competitive issues, we should respond to the planning application as an ‘observation’. LT will draft the wording. It is disappointing that the planning details were buried in the Worthing Borough Council website, and the only visible notice was one taped on Coffee Camp’s door.

Vacancies, LT had spoken with a local couple who were keen to become involved in community activities. Matthew Ward, tree warden for Findon Parish Council, will become a ‘Friend of FVRA’. LT will contact local dentist Aidan Curtis, and noted that his practice on Findon Road is closing down, with patients transferring to an Angmering practice. LT is also in contact with Paul Holden at Worthing Journal to place an article about our vacancies, and will investigate the Council’s ‘Community Works’ webpage.

Litter, LT and her daughter had personally undertaken a litter pick on Findon Road south of Lime Tree, and filled 3 bags, that the council will collect. LT also advised the council about the overflowing waste bins at the library – the bins had been used by unauthorised persons. It was noted that thoughtless individuals had left used barbeques and empty bottles on Cissbury Ring.

Fraud Awareness, LT noted a WSCC article about ‘Track & Trace’ fraud – suitable for inclusion in our next newsletter.


The monthly accounts for May were circulated by CS by prior to the meeting, however the email didn’t get through so will be re-sent shortly [later – done 9 June]. Subscription income £51.50, no expenditure in May. The Public Liability Insurance premium has now been paid in June accounts. CS to send a copy of the insurance policy and schedule to LA for info.


Position Vacant, JB provided an update on 2020 renewals. Only 208 to date, of which 122 at Post Office, only 85 by bank transfer and 1 direct. Possible publicity channels were discussed, eg an insert in Sussex Local, but the cost could be £80+. Direct circulation of flyers to all homes is possible, but resource would be needed. LA has asked JB for a schedule of the road collectors’ details. Social distancing needs would deter face-to-face discussion but a leaflet could be distributed.

Schools Liaison

PB will contact Vale School about September AGM dates.

Later, Vale advised PB that they cannot accommodate external meetings due to lockdown uncertainty and the need to deep-clean after events.


Position Vacant, CS expressed concern at the significant increase in parking where people access Cissbury Fields for exercise or dog-walking. Residents’ driveways had been blocked, and with cars parked both sides of the road, damage had occurred eg scrapes by wing mirrors. Up to 30 cars had been counted on the road near Coombe Rise car park (itself full), with some 200 cars in total during one sampled day. We could poll residents to see if action would be desired, however action such as parking restrictions would be unlikely. It was agreed to seek a further ‘Cissbury Fields’ meeting with WBC, SDNPA, NFU etc. LA will arrange via Zoom.

LA had contacted WSCC councillor Elizabeth Sparkes to discuss the proposed cycleway alongside the A24 from Kings Parade to Washington. ES has put LA’s name forward to the WSCC steering group on cycleways.


LT will conduct the annual Gallops Survey and will invite WBC ranger Adam to take part set for 9am, 12 June.

Dog Walking, following an approach from the NFU and email agreement, LA had written in support of the proposed Safe Dog Walking site at Coombe, as this could reduce the number of commercial dog walkers on Cissbury Fields. Included in minutes for the record.


Position Vacant, LA has issued text for Sussex Local July edition.


Position Vacant, Nothing being planned due to lockdown.


LA will contact local Neighbourhood Watch rep to establish if appropriate to use our e-newsletter to draw attention to what is now an active and useful online crime awareness service.

Library Drop-in, Still suspended due to Coronavirus.

The meeting closed at 8.55pm

Next meeting – 7.30pm Monday 13th July 2020 (via zoom).

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