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FVRA Committee Minutes July 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 10th July: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT) (minutes), Neil Worsfold (NW), Paula Barnes (PB), Clive Sanders (CS).


Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Colin Binstead (CB).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.

The main focus of this meeting is the Highways Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 11th July involving LA, CS, Elizabeth Sparkes and Adam Bazley, so all reports to be taken as read to allow time for discussion.


LA has been in conversation with the Community Chest Charity and AWC regarding the issues with the charity textiles hopper. We need to monitor issues and decide on the future of this facility.

We were not featured in the July issue of Inside Cissbury due to email issues their end.

There is a Cissbury Fields meeting scheduled for Thursday 20th July which CS will attend.

LA spoke to Councillor Richard Nowak’s wife who is the current treasurer of Worthing Rotary as she is keen for that charity to be involved in the Community Orchard.

Vice Chair

As per report.

Note that NW and CS are not available for the next market.


It was agreed that the card received from Buckingham Palace should be framed and placed in the library alongside the one received from HM Queen.

An inquiry regarding a FV Art Trail has been received and it was agreed that whilst this would be an excellent idea we cannot organise this or cover it on our insurance. TB to correspond with Sue Taghioff to agree that we will promote this but otherwise not be able to facilitate it. [Email sent to TB by LT to this effect]


As per report. Membership income is slightly up on last year!

Membership Secretary

Membership direct debits are up. The possibility of a QR code for a link to membership was discussed although it was thought this would not enable direct debit set up.

Schools liaison

Vale School Fair attendance was a success and the Cissbury Quiz proved of interest. We will produce our own table for use at future events.


Matthew is working very hard! He has managed to get residents in Marshall Ave to water the new roadside trees. Next working party is Saturday 22nd July details to follow.


CS has done an excellent job bringing together results of the FVRA Traffic Survey and other issues raised by residents into a comprehensive document to present at the meeting with WSCC.

Elizabeth asked for a ‘Wish List’ and Clive has managed to produce not only this but also suggestions of how each issue could be addressed. The items were discussed and a plan of action for the meeting agreed upon. LA/CS will report back at the next Committee Meeting.

LA/CS will check on which authority administers Bost Hill as this is also used as a rat run and would benefit from some form of restrictions.

Web Administrator

We all need to make more effort to add current items to the website to compliment TA’s continued hard work and ensure the website always has fresh content.

LA suggested that we may now need to consider trying to recruit a Communications Officer to work alongside TA to add a Latest News section.

Events and Media

Everyone agreed that we are getting better and slicker with our events and this was evident with increased numbers at the Coronation Event.

Further discussion of a musical event to be held at the Vale on Friday 27th October to include the Brighton Big Band and the Rock Choir. LT and TB have met to discuss this and LT has visited the Vale to scope out the facilities. It was agreed that we would go ahead and book the two groups and LT will apply for the Temporary Events License from AWC. Ticket sale will hopefully cover the costs and the provision of a paid bar serving alcoholic drinks and snacks should make us a surplus. We will ask Richard at FVFC to run marketing and online ticketing for us.

Christmas Extravaganza 2023. CB is keen to get the application for the road closure in as soon as possible [LA will email CB directly on this] and to get plans underway asap.


NW was approached by Nick at Coffee Camp regarding the use of the premises in the evenings as a Community Hub and is looking for someone to take on the running of the evening trade.LT has emailed Hannah Hunte to suggest she contacts Nick direct.

LT suggested moving the monthly meeting to a Tuesday evening so that Chloe can attend.PB also asked if meetings could start at 7pm to finish earlier and whether the meetings could alternate between face to face and Zoom.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 8th August 7.00pm, Venue TBC.

Note: December will need to be on 5th, thus ahead of the Extravaganza (7th).

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