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FVRA Committee Minutes July 2022

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 11th July: Findon Valley Library

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Tony Anderson (TA), Matthew Ward (MW), Roger Oakley (RO) Father Andrew Cunnington.


Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW), Paula Barnes (PB), Hannah Hunte (HH).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the 13th June were agreed and can be published on the web site and notice boards.

LA introduced Father Andrew who has recently taken up a new position as Reverend of All Saints Church in Findon Valley.

Father Andrew Cunnington

Father Andrew gave an introduction to the committee including that he was born and worked in Worthing before moving to various other diocese throughout his career.

He has now returned to Worthing and is keen to get involved in the community. Father Andrew is meeting with Reverend Allie and Richard from FVFC to discuss how he can reach out and become more involved in the community along with his congregation.


LA to send details of the highways report to the County and Borough Councillors.

The speed survey on 14th June that PCSO Ed Mitchell did was surprisingly quiet. He will do two further checks in the near future.

LA and LT had attended a WSCC Councillor’s forum on 4th July where the subject of Transport Regulation Orders (TROs) were discussed and pointers given on how to apply.

PCSO Ed Mitchell will be doing another street briefing 3-4pm Monday 18th July at the top of Vale Drive

.Notice boards were discussed as a very effective way of getting information to the community and suggestions were made for various areas to display them.

After discussion it was suggested to try initially to see if the South Downs National Park or WBC would assist in providing one at the top of Central Avenue and The Gallops entrances. CB to contact Graeme Booker for his input.

TA will in the near future put prints of the displayed photos that were in the library on to our web site.

LA suggested applying to advertise FVRA on the painted glass panes at Worthing Pier however we were informed that there are none available at present. We hope to go on a waiting list.

The Gallops Exercise Equipment is underused and various suggestions were made to make it more user friendly. LT will contact WBC to see if there is somebody who could do a well being class for the community using the equipment.

LA suggested we adopt the title “Friends of Findon Valley” as no other organisation uses it and it would then be protected.

Vice Chair

The June market was not well attended and all stall holders reported takings being well down on previous markets. Sadly the coffee man let us down so LT has asked to be informed asap if this happens again as Coffee Camp may be able to step in.

Sharon has designed a new poster to advertise July’s market and try and increase footfall. We will distribute them about the valley in prominent areas and Father Andrew will have one on display at All Saints Church.

No update on the community garden this month but Tony who has offered to cement the benches in will be contacted although they need to be weatherproofed first.

The store is now housing the road closure equipment and is becoming very full so LT asked that we all keep everything tidy.


TB explained about The Safer Communities Partnership which is an organisation made up of Councillors, Police Personnel, Fire and Rescue and Voluntary Groups including Neighbourhood Watch. Managed by Caroline Pusey from AWC the group will visit local libraries for a six month trial period to give advice and information on aspects of security and safety. They will visit Findon Valley Library on the last Wednesday of the month between 1- 2.30pm with the exception of August when it will be on the 24th. These meetings are not advising on criminal activity and the trial period will end after the November meeting.

The Fire Service are also offering safe and well visits to vulnerable people including pensioners, disabled and single parent families and leaflets will be available at the library meetings.

A Fraud Awareness Presentation has been arranged for Saturday 17th September at 10am at Findon Valley Free Church hall. The presentation will be given by PCSO Jason Lemm and will last approximately one hour with time for questions after. This is a free event to give advice and awareness about varying aspects of fraud and how to deal with it.


The account balance stands at £8,712.89CS was unable to attend but submitted his report.

The Jubilee Event had a deficit of £150 which was shared by FVRA and FVFC equally.

Membership Secretary

NW was unable to attend but submitted a report. Current membership is 538. The membership database has now been updated from 183 traffic survey forms.

As of the end of June we now have 277 members paying by direct debit and 13 new members.

Schools liaison

PB was unable to attend but submitted her report. She thanked those members of the committee who were able to help at the Vale School Summer Fair and said both adults and children enjoyed the old photographs.

PB suggested that next year committee members should walk around the fair engaging with more people and giving out our new flyers.

LT was very proactive obtaining many contacts that we could follow up for our Christmas event.


The June working party was attended by four volunteers and weeding and mulching of the new hedging was carried out. This was continued by the volunteer group on Saturday 9th July when the plants also got some watering courtesy of a Park Ranger delivering a bowser to the group.

The Kings Parade planters have finally been planted up by the council who are also taking responsibility for watering them.MW is corresponding with a WSCC

Arboriculture Officer about the policy of no replacement when street trees are removed. A community involvement scheme might be possible to take on planting and aftercare. MW will arrange to meet with him to discuss the issues.

LA is attending a meeting on 27th July with WBC concerning the use of Cissbury Fields.On Thursday 4th August there is to be a Bio Blitz of Citizen Science meeting at the top of Cissbury Avenue from 10am until 3pm attended by South Downs National Park, Worthing Museum, Council Rangers and others.Some FVRA committee members will also be present to help.

We are hoping to have a presence at the Farmers Market to publicise Cissbury Fields and to get the public to answer three questions which will help the future plans for the fields.


RO stated that a resident was concerned at the state of the fencing along the fields at Shepherds Mead so RO advised that residents remain vigilant and report any signs of new camps etc entering the fields.

A large van appears to have set up home in the Bost Hill car park but there are no parking controls to prevent this. RO advised the concerned resident to contact WBC.

Concern has also been shown re the state of the pavements at a building site in the valley. Trade persons can apply for a permit allowing them to ignore some restrictions during the course of business but the damage should be made good after.

The three main results of the traffic survey which are traffic volume, speeding and the state of pavements are to be forwarded to the council and residents.RO will enquire as to whether there is a national campaign re encouraging people to leave their car at home.

Web Administrator

TA has now completed the archive section of the new website and any custom post (Events, Local News, Environment, Public Notices, Highways, School & FVRA) information over a year old will be moved to it.

TA is also producing a “Instruction manual” to assist members who are struggling to put information on the website.The old photos going on the website will be put on using the jpeg format.

Events and Media

HH was unable to attend but submitted a report.

A discussion was held about the proposed Christmas event and “feelers” put out for ideas and interest.

A road closure order has been applied for along Kings Parade and the cost will be £150 if approved.A list was produced of ideas to move forward with including bringing local business on board and offering stalls to local charities and crafts people.

We have information from previous FVRA Christmas events which we can get ideas from as well.


There was no other business.

Date of next meeting: Monday 8th August 7.30pm via zoom (unless advised otherwise).

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