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FVRA Committee Minutes January 2024

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Tuesday 9th and 16th January: Remote meeting via Zoom

In attendance

Lance Allen (LA) Lorraine Taylor (LT) , Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW) Paula Barnes (PB), Colin Binstead (CB) Chloe Paddock (CP) 09/01 only.


Terri Binstead (TB) both dates

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the November meeting were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.

Social Media Policy was agreed.

Changes to Constitution have been forwarded to the Charity Commission for review.


The following roles will become or already are vacant; Vice Chair, Secretary, WebMaster, Media and Events and an Auditor. An advert will be drafted. In the interim PB's dad has agreed to audit last year's accounts.

In order to have a quorum at our AGM in March we need good publicity - possibly including a 'draw' to encourage residents to attend. We will have a representative from Lime Tree and also the Spirit of the Downs film showing.

LA will include in upcoming Inside Cissbury and advertising to start asap.

NW will draft a poster using 'Open Meeting' rather than the more formal sounds AGM.

LT agreed to bake for refreshments and Sue Lanceley will be asked to help.

PB will circulate via ParentMail and Social Media.

Cissbury Fields Memorandum of Understanding still awaited from AWC regarding FVRA's responsibilities for the Community Orchard.

The Noticeboard at the Merry Miller requires some attention and CB has agreed to investigate if refurbishment is possible.

The Website issue needs to be decided upon and it was agreed to seek advice from Tino (Jacob's Bagels) at the next market.

NW has kindly agreed to become the new email administrator and confirmed that the only 'paid for' element is the domain name which is paid by direct debit.

Vice Chair

LT will let the surgery and pharmacy know future dates for the markets to try and avoid the pharmacy vans being parked in the way on market days.

Community garden one of the planters has been damaged and Maggie will arrange a repair.

Next Offington Panel Meeting 11/01/24 and elements of the Community Highways Scheme that CS worked on are still being considered. LA will contact Elizabeth Sparkes for a meeting to agree key points.

Tom Micklewright, managing partner of Lime Tree, forwarded an update which included the news that some non-urgent treatments currently offered will now be withdrawn due to Integrated Care Board financial restraints, these include non-cancerous skin lesion removal and joint injections, so far. Patients will either have to accept no treatment or seek private care. This should provide a lively topic for discussion at the AGM.

The Store is a mess and we are in danger of losing the goodwill of our landlord, AWC. LT will lead a working party on 13/01 at 9am.


TB will step down as Secretary from the AGM but will remain a committee member. LA voiced our thanks for the hard work she has done in the role.

Treasurers’ Report

CS reported that we made a loss of £207 due to the cancellation of the Christmas Extravaganza. Some of this was reduced by PB/LT taking our chocolate tombola to a market in Angmering and we will run the tombola again at our January market to try to clear the remaining items and recoup funds used.

CAF requirements were discussed when LA stands down, for discussion outside the meeting between LA, LT and CS.

Membership Secretary

Currently 388 members which represents just 16% of FV residents! LT mentioned that the FV Community Facebook Group has 1,700+ members and that she would approach the administrators of the account to see if we can have links with them.

School Liaison

PB confirmed that a further group of children will be hosted by MW for a gardening session this Term. AWC Rangers will clear the wildflower patch ready for replanting. We are awaiting the dates for planting of the Community Orchard so that the Vale and parents can be given the opportunity to get involved.


The Friends of the Valley session 13/01/24 to further thin sycamore saplings. Funding for 40 fruit trees has been agreed for the Orchard, awaiting outcome of meeting 11/02 for further update.


Elizabeth Sparkes has confirmed that digital bus timetable information board will be installed at the Allandale bus stop soon as part of the first phase of improvements.

LT has spoken to ES regarding near miss of a child on the pedestrian crossing at the bottom of Hillview Rise, cameras will be discussed with WSCC.

See above regarding meeting with ES re submissions to WSCC.

Web Administrator

TA has kindly agreed to handover to the next webadmin. CS suggested a website building system called WIX which, although attracts a small monthly fee, would be easier to administer. All agreed that the information on the current website needs to be safeguarded.

Events and Media

NW has kindly agreed to put together an AGM poster and this will be circulated for discussion and approval then JS will be asked to print. We can drip feed further details as the event gets nearer.

CB has put market posters up, thank you. LT to send jpeg to NW and PB.

Date of next meeting Tuesday 13th February at 7pm venue/mode to be decided.

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