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FVRA Committee Minutes January 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 9th January: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Clive Sanders (CS), Colin Binstead (CB), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Lorraine Taylor (LT).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 12th December were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


LA was sorry to report that LT will be stepping down at the AGM. He said she has been an enthusiastic and energetic Vice Chair with determined commitment to the team and her local community. This was wholeheartedly agreed by all who are sorry to see her go. LA will meet with LT to discuss.

LA commented on the achievements FVRA had made during 2022 including the Jubilee party and the Christmas Extravaganza as well as building relations with key partners such as the Churches, Library, WBC and WSCC etc.

LA thanked committee members for the feedback on the Christmas Extravaganza so far and added that the stall holders were very pleased with the event. He suggested we try to get more feedback from local residents and the shops. LA, CB and TB had met with Richard from the FVFC for his thoughts and feedback on the event.

A display of the WBC re-naturing plans is to be displayed in the local library from mid January. Craig Daters ( South Downs Park Ranger) has put together a useful list of proposed actions and timescales for the future of Cissbury Fields.

Work on the library roof is now finished and signed-off so the scaffolding will soon be removed. MW can then arrange a date for planting the tree and roses.

LA had a useful meeting with the chair of Findon Parish Council, Sean Smith and the chair of Patching Parish Council. Traffic issues, the cycle route and the need for a “ Local Resilience Plan” ( the valley falls within WBC’s Emergency Plan) we’re discussed.

An updated draft of the Constitution will be circulated ready to be signed off at the February meeting. LA thanked members for their comments.

Vice Chair

(Read in her absence as unable to attend meeting) We have had confirmation that the markets will continue through the winter and the dates for winter 2023 are Jan. 29th, Feb. 26th and March 26th. The rota for the January market was given. LT has put Sharon in touch with Summit Tasty who were at our CE and are interested in attending the market.

LT wrote that she intends to step down from the FVRA at the AGM in March.


TB sent emails out to all stall holders after the CE thanking them for their support at the event and received several very positive replies with some hoping it is done again in 2023. She also contacted Jacobs-Steel and Michael Jones to thank them both for donations they raised on the night and gave to us. Jacobs-Steel have offered to help with future events.


The account balance is £10,182.13.

CS also attached a summary of the Christmas Extravaganza finances. A Sussex Community Foundation Grant helped prevent the event from running at a loss.

LA will discuss with LT whether unused grant funds can be held over for use at our corresponding events in 2023. It was agreed to provide a donation of up to £25 to FVFC in lieu of the Church’s energy costs for the Christmas Day meal for residents with social isolation.

CS will commence the year end accounts in February to give time for the final 2022 expenses to arrive. If anyone has outstanding valid expenses from 2022 please claim asap.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is only 344 residents with only 19 members joining all year.There was an in depth debate about how to get more members and an idea was voiced as to whether to provide automatic free membership for Valley residents, with future FVRA income mainly from markets, events and donations. To be discussed further prior to presentation at the March AGM.

Schools liaison

PB has had a very positive meeting with David Tow the new headmaster of Vale School. Only 52% of the children attending the school are from the valley but he is keen for the school to be involved in local activities and also for children to learn more about the area including Cissbury Ring.

PB suggested the children may be able to help with Matthew Ward’s (MW) working group and will contact him to see if some could attend the next work session on 15th January. It was also suggested that some local children from the school could help with the planting of the new library garden. She is going to suggest to David Tow that Craig Daters, a South Downs Ranger visits the school to talk about Cissbury Ring and the South Downs.

PB will have access to parent mail again.

David Tow is trying to stop cars parking inconveniently near to the school and has started a project of photographing inconsiderate car parking and naming and shaming the driver. Two traffic wardens were visible around the school roads on the morning of 9th January.


The next working party is on Sunday 15th January when the group will be assisting the South Downs Ranger, Craig Daters to plant trees in the hedgerows above Storrington Rise and in the thinned out Sycamore patch.

MW plans to link up with with Craig’s work dates for the next few months while things are uncertain with council Ranger cover

The proposed tree and rose planting in the Jubilee Memorial Garden will be best done in February when the ground is drier and the scaffolding is down.

MW has done a couple of litter picks including Bost Hill which was particularly bad.

MW is also happy to help with tidying the the store once a date is set.


LA and CS met with WSCC Highways manager Adam Bazley and his assistant James Strachan and walked round the area discussing relevant issues and problems. Adam suggested we prepare a “wish list” of traffic problems in the area such as speeding, parking etc. and he will then advise how to move forward with getting a TRO for the most likely ones.

LA invited Adam to come along and speak at the AGM and also asked him to look at the King’s Parade planters as there has been another concern about restricted visibility for cars exiting the parade.

The Vale Drive grit bins are empty after the recent cold weather and WSCC will top them up soon. The gritting lorry did grit Vale Drive’s roadway and LA thanked Andy Mills for gritting the pavements.

Web Administrator

TA explained about Findon Valley domains and whilst we have lost one a second one is now under his control and owned by FVRA. This prevents it being sold on to another person or company.

TA continues to work hard expanding the web site and is now producing a world flags quiz. He is re-sorting images on the website which is a lot of work and takes much of his time. There was some discussion about doing a quiz for children and linking the website with the school.

As of January 9th TA reset the page counter showing visitor numbers to the website. He produced a table showing the details of visits.

Events and Media

The AGM has been arranged for March 11th, 2.15pm at the free church. The Council Ranger is not now available so we may have Adam Bazley from Highways to speak and LA will approach Lime Tree Surgery to see if we can get a speaker from there also.

Coronation Event similar to the Jubilee street party suggested for Sunday 7th May.

Christmas Extravaganza decided for Thursday 7th December along King’s Parade from 5-8pm.


There was no other business

Date of next meeting Monday 13th February 7.30pm in the Free Church meeting room.

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