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FVRA Committee Minutes January 2022

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 10th January: Remote meeting via zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Terri Binstead (TB), Clive Sanders (CS), Tony Anderson (TA), Matthew Ward (MW), Paula Barnes (PB), Roger Oakley (RO).


No apologies. All members took part.

LA asked that officers submit their reports for consideration by others at least three days prior to the meeting (TB to action reminder please)

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes from 13th December were agreed and will now be published on our website and displayed on the notice boards.

PB has asked for ideas for a joint project to involve the children from Vale School. LA suggested a litter pick on the Gallops. There is possibility of a Tree Identification Project later in the season.

NW carried out a temporary repair to the leaking cistern in the toilet store. It needs proper remedial work by AWC. (LT to email Dan Humphreys again)


AGM date has been set for Thursday March 24th via Zoom. LA will compile papers. Residents will be notified via Sussex Local ( but note, flyers no longer possible) email, parent mail and notice boards. Residents to register for AGM by email for electronic receipt of papers or by telephone for delivery of hard copy.

We have one library meeting session in credit for 2022 due to payment but non use for December meeting.

Ian Patchett from WS Library service has confirmed their willingness to receive sealed envelopes for FVRA survey/ membership forms etc. The Librarians have been made aware. There is no letter box so envelopes will have to be delivered during library opening hours.

The WSCC Library Garden agreement has finally been signed.

No volunteer has yet come forward to manage the “lower” grit bin in Vale Drive and confirmation is still awaited from Vale School that they have located the spreader barrow.

LA has circulated the Committee Handbook and any updates/tweets will be actioned by LA. This will be made available on the website but without personal details showing.

Vice Chair

LT thanked the team for the very successful Christmas Market and appealed for more help for the committee for future events. This is a prime opportunity to meet residents face to face since cessation of the Library drop in sessions.

PB asked if Vale School Children could be involved in the community garden. Children’s gardening week is from 28th May-5th June ( half term) MW has agreed to ask Graeme Brooker for suggestions.

The bus shelters need to be painted with preservative as soon as possible. They are often strewn with rubbish, broken glass etc. RO will approach AWC to see if they can be included in the street cleaning schedule.


TB had to leave the meeting due to technical issues with zoom.

The PPG have asked to use our mailing list to promote events etc. Agreed where possible and suitable.

The PPG are now selling books again and have been offered the opportunity to sell at the farmer’s markets. They are also collecting ink jet cartridges and have a box in the foyer of Lime Tree Surgery.


The account balance stands at £6,694.92. The new CAF Bank Account is almost completed after much time and effort.

£200 has been received from the SDNPA for the FV Volunteers Group. MW is hoping to purchase spades with this and will speak to Anthony Read AWC.

The speeding up of expenses procedure has been suggested by scanning/emailing receipts and claim forms.

All FVFC accounts have been settled although we are still awaiting some payments from the art group. CS to try contacting Terry Beaumont again.

The HSBC account will remain until the end of March until all creases are ironed out.

Due to a bank error the previous chair, MW had to countersign a cheque.

CS to forward end of year accounts to Allan Gee, auditor, so they can be signed off at the AGM. We will move to online bank statements once the new account is bedded in.


527 donations to end of December with 488 members. LA asked that the term membership fee be used instead of donations. It was suggested to have a membership push this Spring as only about 25% of households are members at present. This could maybe combine with intended highways survey and AGM reminder.

TA confirmed that the new website will hold member’s email addresses for FVRA use only.

NW will have access to this part of the website for updating.

Schools liaison

PB emailed Vale School during the meeting to suggest a litter pick event and will ask GB for assistance. A poster campaign could run alongside this activity.Children’s gardening week is from 28th May-5th June, maybe the Saturday could involve the children and the library garden.


Last Saturday’s FV Volunteer activity was cancelled on the day by Anthony Read (Ranger) due to poor weather, rescheduled for Saturday 15th January.

Craig Daters from SDNPA has dates coming up for volunteers to get involved in hedge planting at Cissbury Fields, MW will circulate details.

MW has secured 300 saplings from the Woodland Trust and others are available from AWC and SDNPA.

LA reported that Dan Humphreys had sent an email introducing Lucy Stewart from AWC who will be our local coordinator. We will invite Lucy along to one of our meetings

CS noted that the bales are slowly being removed but that a large gap has been left in the fencing at the top of Central Avenue possibly causing an opportunity for illegal encampment on the fields. CS will raise the issue with Daniel Humphreys and Lucy Stewart. MW will nudge the Rangers but they re already aware. RO offered to install fence type posts

CS has recently visited Knepp Castle. PB and LA both recommended Isabella Tree’s book Wilding: The return of Nature to a British Farm


No report was circulated due to an email issue.

RO thanked CS and LA for amending the Highways Survey document. We need to ensure that the survey results are not seen as being skewed by the effects of covid as this may undermine our application so it was proposed that it is delayed until Easter when things may have settled. The survey needs to reach as many residents as possible so a mail drop would be preferable. CS suggested that both the survey form and the membership form be readied by the end of January, they can then be agreed at the February meeting

Discussion regarding the proposed cycle paths ( Lime Tree and Maytree Avenues) LA pointed out that WSCC consultation was now closed.

LA mentioned two vans for sale parked in Central Avenue and Ashfold Avenue and will forward details and photographs to RO for action.

CS asked what can be done to discourage HGV learner drivers from using Valley roads. However they are not doing anything illegal.

Web Administrator

TA has spent a lot of time developing the new website and is now at the stage where it needs to be live for review by committee members. It was agreed that will be acquired as a development domain. Further discussions outside of this meeting will be had by LA and TA


CS is keen to get plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations underway.

LT will contact Pauline Freestone AWC Events Officer to see what the council are planning and feedback. PB will ask Vale School what plans they are making

CS asked for volunteers to form a sub committee


CS proposed a rethink of membership fees/donations. More discussion required

PB has sent a message to Vale School re the PPG collecting ink jet cartridges and has asked for a poster regarding this to be placed on their notice board.

LT proposed that Colin Binstead be asked to become a co-opted member of FVRA in recognition of his invaluable help with FVRA events and projects. Seconded by NW and agreed by all. Hence two co-opted members now including Chloe Paddock

TA asked for market dates for 2022 for the website calendar. LT will send dates and a list of stall holders once confirmed.

Date of next meeting 14th February 7.30pm via zoom.

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