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FVRA Committee Minutes February 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 13th February: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Colin Binstead (CB), Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Lorraine Taylor (LT).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 9th January were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


LA started his report by saying that he was very pleased that LT would be staying on the committee. This was echoed by all attending.

The opening of the Jubilee Garden is to be postponed as the scaffolding is still up around the library. All those involved will be informed.

Details of the AGM were discussed and Tom Micklewright, Practice Manager at Lime Tree Surgery will give a talk along with our MP and Councillors. The plans for Cissbury Fields will also be on display. LA has invited the chairs of Findon PC, Patching PC and High Salvington Residents’ Association.

CS is taking over as interim Highways Officer as well as his Treasurer role.

There is to be an official opening of the new cycle route at Findon end of the A24 and LA has asked Sean Smith, the FPC chair to keep him advised.

The Cissbury Fields display is now up in the library and has been publicised in various places including WBC, Worthing Herald and Facebook. An open meeting on the site is intended for the Spring and it is hoped a number of people will volunteer to become involved in various ways with looking after the fields.

LA was invited to a committee meeting of Findon Parish Council which he found very interesting. He detailed the many activities they cover and informed them of our activities which they were quite impressed with.

The constitution is to be finalised and presented at the AGM.

Vice Chair

(Read in her absence as unable to attend meeting) LT thanked everyone for their good wishes during her long illness and explained that as such her input to FVRA has been much reduced.

The December market did not yield any financial contribution from Sharon as many of the stall holders did not break even and as such did not pay a stall fee.The January market was more successful but LT pointed out that the markets are not a reliable source of income and explained the factors that could affect this.

LT thanked PB and CB for clearing up the store which had coincided with damage being done by vandals to one of the toilets causing another leak in the store area. This was immediately reported and promptly repaired.

A litter bin has been promised from A&W council for the jubilee garden once the planting is completed and we decide where to put it.

LT has confirmed with Tom that we can use the surgery car park for our coronation event.

In the absence of a regular Park Ranger at present LT enquired of the Lead Ranger Anthony Read who our contact will be going forward. He advised using him until a decision is made.


TB along with other committee members had received an enquiry from Helen Abrahams, the Labour representative for our area asking if we could inform her of any events etc. that she could attend to meet residents and gather information on local issues. LA will reply to her with suggestions.

The Coronation plans continue and the road closure form along with the events form are now with the council. Further details at the end of the minutes.


The account balance is £9,833.85.

CS also attached a summary of the Christmas Extravaganza finances. A Sussex Community Foundation Grant helped prevent the event from running at a loss which would have been £624.The grant also paid for a Christmas lunch for people on their own on Christmas Day. The balance of the grant funding (£612) will be ring fenced and moved from the current a/c into the deposit.

CS stressed that with the drop in membership subscriptions over the year we need to try and cover our costs for future events to avoid depleting our funds. Provisional indications from the annual accounts show that but for the income from the Farmers Markets our day to day running costs are outstripping our income.

The annual accounts are now being finalised but CS is waiting to hear from the auditor.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is only 367 residents. It has been agreed that the membership system will change and all residents of the valley will automatically become members (subject to agreement at the AGM)

Efforts will be made to glean more sponsorship and donations to maintain our funds. NW stated that we need to try and get more email addresses from residents of the valley.

NW had received a text from Mailchimp explaining various changes that are coming into force from March 10th. He gave details of these changes to the committee.

Schools liaison

PB has arranged for Chris Griffin and other Vale School Staff to bring the School Council Reps (18 children) along to the Platinum memorial garden opening.All children have photo permission.

Anthony the Head Ranger has been contacted regarding organising wild flower seed sowing in March or April with the school children.

The Vale school Summer Fair is on Friday 7th July and PB would like FVRA to attend. She asked for ideas on what to do for the event.

Matthew from Friends of Findon Valley is hoping to get a grant for some plants and PB is liaising with him so that the children at the school may be able to help with planting.PB is again going to do activities for the Coronation celebration. Details in the later update.


The next working party is on Sunday 19th February when the group will be continuing with sycamore thinning.

There was a mix up with the previous meeting when Craig Daters didn’t show up and Matthew was on holiday.

Matthew is going to apply for a grant from the Woodland Trust for a bundle of hedging plants which could be planted by pupils from Vale School in the Autumn.

The display about Cissbury Fields in the library is very interesting and goes some way to explaining the Council’s plans for the fields. There will be further work to do to get everyone on board and not everyone will be satisfied in the end.


It was mentioned again that LA and CS met with WSCC highways officer Adam Bazley and some discussion was had about producing a “traffic wish list” to be distributed to the committee for comment before presenting to Adam.

National Highways have started a consultation process for the A27 and have presented options to alleviate the traffic congestion through Worthing and Lancing. The proposals have been somewhat constrained though by a budget of £20 million only. The proposals are on display at various places around the area as well as on line. National Highways are asking for comments on the proposals before 19th March and CS would also like to be informed too as there may be a chance to discuss opinions at a meeting with Elizabeth Sparkes.

Web Administrator

TA has started a long process of updating the web site. He explained what his current activity is and the ongoing work he is doing with it.

TA circulated a schedule showing how many visits each web page was receiving.

Events and Media

The AGM has been arranged for March 11th, 2.15pm at the Free Church. Posters and advertising to be sorted now. We need to formally give residents 14 days notice. All paperwork is being finalised and a few printed copies will be available in the library. People wishing to come can email the secretary who will send the forms to them by email.

Coronation Event details on separate page.


There was no other business

Date of next meeting Monday 3rd April 7.30pm at the FVFC meeting room.

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