Findon Valley Residents' Association
Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us
Monday 14th February: Remote meeting via zoom
In Attendance:
Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Terri Binstead (TB), Clive Sanders (CS), Tony Anderson (TA), Matthew Ward (MW), Colin Binstead (CB).
Paula Barnes (PB), Roger Oakley (RO).
The meeting was recorded to allow access to a possible new member at a later date.
Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
Minutes from 10th January were agreed and will now be published on our website and displayed on the notice boards.
The AGM draft agenda and voting form have been circulated to members. The date of the AGM, which is March 24th, will be advertised in Sussex Local, parent mail, via mail chimp and also with posters etc. Interested parties who contact and wish to attend will then receive details via zoom. A proxy form will be sent by email or hard copy to those interested but unable to attend.
LA suggested we have an advert in the Sussex Local, towards the front of the magazine advertising membership of the FVRA. This was agreed by the committee.
LA has forwarded CS photos of parking congestion around Coombe Rise car park to councillors and re-iterated concerns about risk of illegal encampment. No response has been received yet.
LA is attending a WSCC webinar on 17th February with an update on the county’s road plans. The speed limit change north of Bost Hill from 50mph to 40 is in progress now.
FVRA supports the use of a cycle route along Lime Tree Avenue / Maytree Avenue, noting that cycling can generate disproportionate controversy and agreeing this is the preferred option.
PCSO Ed Mitchell held a street surgery at the top of Vale Drive. The next surgery is on February 26th along King’s Parade, 4pm -5pm at Jacobs Steel Corner.
Vice Chair
The farmers market in January was very successful, helped along by good weather and the donut stall advertising on social media. We had a new stall with High Weald Dairy selling their excellent range of cheeses. The sourdough stall has not been for a while so Sharon would be grateful if anybody knows of a local artisan baker who may be interested in a stall.
Ideas were discussed as to how to make our own stall more appealing. The gazebo and banners are good but at present we just have a bare table. Possibility of sourcing canvas reusable bags and getting them printed to sell.The setting up of the new gazebo in the morning needs 3 people so this will be added to the 8.30am slot.
LT suggested getting a South Downs Ranger or AWC Ranger along to the market with their trailer so that people can discuss plans for Cissbury Fields and The Gallops.
LT will be attending a meeting, along with an interested resident from Shepherds Mead, with Lime Tree Surgery to discuss the well-being gardens at the surgeries. It is hoped WBC ( Darren Ralph) will assist in preparing the library garden central bed for planting.
Repair of the store leak has now been completed and shelving discussed to go on wallWe have now received a starter litter picking bundle from Graeme Brooker.
LT offered a huge thank you to MW for setting up his now well established FV Valley Volunteers group.
We have been approached to put up a fund raising poster for St Barnabas. Agreed by LT.
The bank balance stands at £7,175.57. Income is up this year from 2020 mainly due to the farmers markets. Membership revenue however is down.
A donation of £200 has been received from SDNP towards gardening equipment and £187.02 ( including float) from the Farmers Market.
A letter from HMRC has been received informing us that forms have to be filled in for corporation tax records, a safeguard to confirm that charities are running correctly. The accounts still need auditing and LA will contact the Accountant to do this asap.
TA is to be registered as a contact for CAF along with CS and NW.
Total membership for 2021 was 512 while in January this year 23 households have renewed membership, 21 by DD and 2 with cash. Total membership as a 12 month rolling snapshot today is 460. NW has sent 120 emails out to people whose memberships are due. People still paying by SO have been contacted and asked to change to DD and this is an ongoing issue. Several people do not have an email or have not given their email address. Attempts need to be made to resolve this also.
NW is using mail chimp to advertise campaigns such as the PCSO surgery, closure of Bost Hill for one day etc.
Schools liaison
Vale school children completed a litter pick on the Gallops which they thoroughly enjoyed, supported by Graeme Brooker and PB. Several members of the public thanked them for their work. The children have also done some anti litter posters which have been laminated and given to Graeme to display in due course. Photos have been produced of the litter pick and it is hoped they can be displayed in Sussex Local.
Vale school are hoping to hold a picnic on the Gallops before May half term and PB has asked to be informed and that FVRA will support.
The school are happy to share the idea of families creating small container gardens which can be displayed in the Community garden over the BH weekend. A Park Ranger can give prizes.
The school will be holding a tea party during the week leading up to the BH and it was agreed that we will consider arranging a tea party in the communal garden on Sunday 5th June.
A record 8 people turned up at the last volunteer group helping with thinning the Sycamore patch above Storrington Rise. Several people out walking showed an interest and we may get further volunteers as a result. Next activity is 12th March and will be assisting the Rangers to plant hedging.
MW has started a street survey in the Valley as several trees have been felled and the area tarmacked over so no further trees can be planted. There was some concern about tree roots affecting the sewers and MW explained that there are several types of trees that can be planted safely in the streets. He appealed for people to contact him with details of areas that are losing their trees. CS noted that Hove Council are actively replanting street trees. MW will report results of his survey to WSCC.
Report presented by LA as RO not at meeting. A detailed presentation was given on various topics including the intended traffic survey and it was agreed to go ahead with it. RO felt that traffic levels had largely returned to normal now and he has liaised with a few residents answering questions that are concerning them such as parking, cars for sale in Central Avenue and litter in the bus shelters.
He has walked around the streets quite regularly lately in order to identify and prioritise what possible problems there may be.
Web Administrator
TA has worked really hard developing the new website and sent an email out on 11th February detailing the site. All committee members will need an email. He plans to open a trial web site for all members to see and will give all a temporary password. He is also making the website mobile friendly as most people use these devices.
Adur and Worthing website have issued a street party guide and the deadline for applying for a street party is 15th April. There was much talk regarding public liability insurance and whether FVRA should produce a guide for people also. CS would like to meet with the prospective new committee member to discuss plans for the Jubilee and to take various ideas forward. A garden party is suggested for the library garden on Sunday 5th June. LT may be able to get a jazz band to play at the event.
LT is putting together a list of useful contacts from the council which will be able to go on the website.
PB suggests using Microsoft teams instead of Zoom for on line meetings. Decided it could be ok for small meetings but keep Zoom for large ones such as AGM.
Jacobs Steel have indicated they will provide a board outside their office. LA will follow up.
Date of next meeting Monday14th March 7.30pm.