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FVRA Committee Minutes December 2021

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 13th December: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lorraine Taylor (LT), Neil Worsfold (NW), Terri Binstead (TB), Clive Sanders (CS), Tony Anderson (TA), Matthew Ward (MW), Paula Barnes (PB).


Lance Allen (LA), Roger Oakley (RO).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes from 11th November were agreed and will now be published on our website and displayed on the notice boards. NW has borrowed a Father Christmas costume from a friend for the Christmas market.It was agreed at the meeting that FVRA remain neutral and do not get involved in planning applications of any kind relating to the valley. The association is prepared to direct residents to the right people for advice eg. Councillors but that is their total involvement. LA will let this decision be known to those who requested help in relation to an application in Vale Drive informing them as to why we would not support it


Small progress has been made after a WSCC council meeting about the proposed cycle lane both involving Lime Tree Avenue and Maytree Avenue. Concern was raised with Elizabeth Sparks about hazardous junctions due to inconsiderate parking but support was given to encourage people to access the outside more.WSCC have now finalised the wording for the library garden licence and this should be signed soon by the Chair and Vice Chair. Then the overgrowth will have to be cleared and the benches and paving put in place. It is hoped WBC contractors will help with this.

LA will ask Jacobs Steel to do a bulk print of membership forms once they are finalised and suggested that from January we promote membership at the farmers markets.PCSO Ed Mitchell has asked if we can publicise the NHW Neighbourhood Alert emails and LA has agreed to do so in the February Sussex Local. He also suggested a possible mail chimp email.The Charity Commission is reminding all charities of the need to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. For FVRA this could relate to the safety of volunteers or visitors to public events including markets and as a charity we need to be aware.

WSCC have agreed to Vale Drive being included in the gritting schedule and a council lorry has already made one pass. As yet we have had no response for a volunteer to grit the pavements on the lower half of the roadLA had attended a zoom meeting of the new WSCC local forum where several issues local to Worthing were discussed. With regard to Cissbury Fields Elizabeth Sparks stated that WBC is appointing two “Participation Leads” who will liaise with stakeholders including FVRA

Vice Chair

The farmers market in December will be our twelfth. Only one month was missed due to adverse weather. LT expressed gratitude to the surgery for allowing us to use their car park. Final plans were put together for the Christmas market including a plea for more bottles for the tombola stall and help for the day. A rota has been issued as a guide .The community garden has now been tidied by Maggie and Chris for winter and new bulbs, plants and shrubs have been put in the troughs.Preservative has now been purchased ready for the benches in due course.


CB has managed to sort the temperamental lock on the Lime Tree notice board. A disrespectful notice relating to government policies had been firmly stuck on the glass of the notice board This has now been removed. LT thanked Colin for maintaining the notice boards


The bank balance stands at £6,765.15. There have been several costs this month including stationery and garden maintenance.The CAF bank account is still not finalised due to extremely diligent checks that are carried out.Market/event banners are all now bought and paid for.A Christmas tree has been donated by Findon Garden Centre and a laminated “ thank you sign” is to be fitted to the tree base


Membership donations during the twelve months to date are 548 totalling £2,319.50 from 510 members.Most letters to members who donate by standing order have been delivered and around 20% have responded so far with new direct debits.NW suggests now is the time to close on further bank transfers to the HSBC account.

Schools liaison

Vale school children produced lovely tree decorations which have been put on the Christmas tree in the library garden.The Friends of Vale will have a sweets and treats stall at the Christmas market and will also sell children’s stocking filler gifts.Carols by torchlight is in the school playground on 16th December ( this was subsequently cancelled )FVRA we’re not represented this year with the Friends of Vale trailerThe school council would like to do another joint project with FVRA before the seed sowing and in the summer they are working with Graeme, WSCC park ranger to create tree ID cards.Ideas for a school council FVRA project.


Some tools for the working group may be forthcoming from the council and Craig Daters, SDNP Ranger is also keen to donate money to the group for the purchase of tools.Anthony, another Park Ranger may be able to get tools at cost price for the volunteer working group. MW will mark all the tools once we get them and they will be stored in the store. The store is now leaking quite badly and the floor is very wet.MW will try to find out what is happening with the bales left on Cissbury Fields ( update: to be used by farmers to plough into other arable fields)LT thanked MW for setting up the volunteer working groupLT to contact the council re: advice for dealing with the leaking store.


RO is suggesting a leaflet drop regarding the traffic survey is delivered to all homes in the valley. This to go in the agenda for January.Kevin Jenkins is now the new leader of Worthing Council, replacing Dan Humphreys who has stepped down as Leader. There is no majority party at WBC now

Web Administrator

TA has met with the previous administrator and has new ideas about moving the web site forward.He suggests only keeping two years records on the web with other information being stored safely on hard disc. This would also reduce the annual cost of the website. TA is also prepared to set up a new https website which is free for charities and he recommends this as the way forward. It will be a help to him if committee members can give him feedback on the site as it is now. For example information that is needed and Lao that which can be deleted.


TA has further developed the new website and was disappointed that committee members had not given him feedback. Members felt it was due to a busy time of year and that some of them find technology harder than others. TA described what he has done and how he wishes to move forward with it making it user friendly and easy for all.Committee members to look at the new website before next meeting in January and discuss then.


The council have declined the use of the cemetery lodge for the shedders as they have their own need for it.TA has a few ideas to pursue but will not take this further until the present covid situation is under control.


The platinum jubilee on 2nd June 2022 is to be discussed at the next meeting. CS will take on the role of co-ordinator for this.We still need to fill the vacant Events Co-ordinator role.


Sadly Terry Rickards, the local neighbourhood watch co-ordinator has died suddenly quite recently. LT will represent FVRA at his funeral which is on 15th December.

Date of next meeting 10th January 7.30pm via zoom.

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