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FVRA Committee Minutes December 2020

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 7th December: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Paula Barns (PB), Clive Sanders (CS), Kayla Shepherd (KS), Lorraine Taylor (LT). The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.


N/A, All present.

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

Minutes from 9 November were agreed as a true record, and will now be published on website and noticeboards. Matters arising are covered below.


AGM Outcomes, Due to disappointingly low attendance numbers the AGM was not quorate so none of the obligatory resolutions could be passed.

The Charity Commission’s online guidance does not appear to cover this eventuality. We will look to hold the 2021 AGM much earlier in the year and seek to pass 2 years’ resolutions simultaneously. However the Zoom meeting was otherwise successful with our MP and all councillors present, and an interesting talk from Craig Daters, SDNPA. Members who had attended gave positive feedback afterwards.

Vacancies: We still require a secretary, membership secretary, highways officer, communications officer and auditor. LA to issue an email via NextDoor/mailchimp, after Christmas, seeking volunteers.

Winter Salt Bins: Response awaited from Cllr. Sparkes following email from LA. PB would then approach Vale School re Vale Drive bins, and the other two will require clear signage, as FVRA cannot accept responsibility for gritting.

Vice Chair & Environment

AGM, LT thanks all who had contributed.

Recycling Initiative, response awaited from Cllr. Humphreys. Looking to a Spring 2021 launch.

Cissbury Fields, the car parks have been overflowing, causing some bottlenecks and inconvenience to adjacent residents. Enlarging the car parks would be ideal but as the fields are not open access, the Council cannot currently encourage greater public use. The new information boards may now be ready by the year end but their manufacture has been impacted by Covid.Community Garden, a request has gone out for residents to donate suitable plants. LT suggested that FVRA develop a community ‘Gardening Group’, which could even cover tasks such as clearing vegetation from public paths (eg the footpath behind the north side of Storrington Rise). Findon Village has a Volunteers Group that has a similar role. LT will discuss with WBC Ranger Adam Scott. LT stated that Adam is moving on in January, and we will need an introductory meeting with his successor Graham.Gallops, the outdoor gym was out of use due to Covid but the children’s playground was still open.


The monthly accounts for November were not circulated prior to the meeting but will follow.

Direct Debits, CS progressing the CAF set-up process. CAF require certain details from trustees (LA, LT, CS).


Position Vacant, Still only 270 members for 2020.

LA has contacted the road collectors, who for 2021 may be able to put membership forms through doors (but not knock, due to Covid). The collectors’ role pre-Covid had been proved to be essential, as many residents appeared to require a face-to-face prompt.

The proposed £5 membership fee for 2021 (£3 for single household) will go ahead. Although the AGM was not quorate for a vote, there were no objections, and the fee is entirely reasonable and appropriate to help FVRA serve its community.

A small print run of membership forms is needed for the Farmers’ Market event, but the main run will need to include Direct Debit payment details, as soon as ready.

Schools Liaison

PB liaises with Vale School re the helpful use of Parentmail, increasing our reach for newsletters etc.

PB will contact Vale School re grit bins, after we have heard back from Cllr. Sparkes.


Position Vacant, The weeding and tidying of the paths and verges by WSCC on the A24 near the cemetery, had nor yet taken place.


Position Vacant, The FVRA website would benefit from further updating. New links to various Vale School and similar websites are needed, to pass to Jim to set in place.

Mailchimp: used for the November eNewsletter. Unfortunately mailchimp does not allow attachments so the email had an embedded link to our website. NB it will be important that the two email databases (123-Reg and mailchimp) remain synchronised, as a data protection requirement.


Late Night Shopping 11 Dec: due to limited response from the retailers, and a poor weather forecast, a final decision would be taken shortly as to whether to proceed or cancel.

Farmers’ Market 12 Dec, will be going ahead: Great Little Farmers’ Markets had organised the trade stalls. FVRA will use the gazebo and offer mulled punch, coffee (thanks to Nick at Coffee Camp), cake raffle, Name the Bear etc. Set up 8am, finish 1pm.Christmas tree, the tree donated by Findon Garden Centre will be delivered 9 Dec.

KS’s partner Sam will construct a raised base, CS has obtained the solar lights, Worthing Suzuki has agreed to the use of their forecourt corner.

Christmas Trail, updated poster now on the website and noticeboards showing which roads had participating gardens.

2021, The first event could be the ‘Valentine Trail’ in February.


Library Drop-in, Still suspended due to Coronavirus.

Next zoom meeting – 7.30pm Monday 11th January.

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