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FVRA Committee Minutes August 2022

Writer's picture: FVRAFVRA

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 8th August: Remote meeting via Zoom

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Clive Sanders (CS), Paula Barnes (PB), Terri Binstead (TB), Colin Binstead (CB), Tony Anderson (TA), Roger Oakley (RO), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Lorraine Taylor (LT), Hannah Hunte (HH).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of the 11th July were agreed and can be published on the web site and notice boards.

TA is still working on a “ how to do” manual for the website. Is progressing well.


The Borough Council Bioblitz went well and suggestions were made about it becoming an annual event with more organisations participating.

We met with several Councillors and LA chatted with Councillor Helen Silman who is cabinet member for climate emergency.

Matthew Ward has stood down from the committee and is focussing on the growing Friends of Findon Valley team.

He will continue to advise on environmental matters though.

LA is approaching an interested resident re becoming a co-opted member of the committee.

White lines are being renewed along the A24 through the valley and two radar activated speed limit warning signs have gone up near the Black Horse. Information needed as to how these signs are agreed and funded as we need two along the valley.RO agreed to investigate.

PCSO Ed Mitchell still intends to carry out two more speed checks along the May Tree Avenue / Lime Tree Avenue rat run when he gets time.

Winter gritting is now being considered and the Council gritter lorries will include Vale Drive road surface. Some residents on the west side of the valley are kindly gritting Vale Drive and Downside Close pavements. There was discussion about moving the grit bin from the top of Coombe Rise to Kings Parade.

An anonymous complaint has been received regarding anti social behaviour by some builders. Forwarded to PCSO to investigate.

Local resident Brian Clay has forwarded some fascinating old images of the valley to go on our website. He was concerned about copyright but TA advised that he has this all covered along with data protection etc.

Vice Chair

The July market was better attended and stall takings were up from June. Extra advertising was also done for this market. Advertising was more intense and LT suggested banner advertising both ends of the valley on market day. It was suggested to discuss with Sharon first and if agreed NW volunteered to look in to sail type display designs and prices.

Friends of Findon Valley will be refurbishing the two benches in the library garden on 13th August ready for being concreted into position in the library garden by a valley volunteer.


TB received a positive reply from Graeme Brooker regarding notice boards at Cissbury Fields and The Gallops and discussions have already been taking place with the South Downs Rangers about this.

Jackie Manners who is the Principal Librarian Well-being had contacted about advertising her need for volunteers. TB gave her some information including having details on our website but have heard no more as yet.

The Fraud Awareness Presentation is happening on Saturday 17th September at 10am at Findon Valley Free Church hall. The presentation will be given by PCSO Jason Lemm and will last approximately one hour with time for questions after. This is a free event and is very necessary at this time of increasing hardship and vulnerability for some. We need to get advertising this event asap and I will send details to the relevant people for circulating soon.


The account balance is £8,857.27 as of the end of July.

Farmers market takings for June were down by £50.

£2000 has been transferred from the current account to the savings account.

The Zurich public liability insurance is due for renewal this month. CS to check that the Christmas event and the environment group are covered on it. CS and NW had a discussion about CAF bank statements.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is 540 including two new members joining in July. The number of people on the mail chimp list is 480. A discussion was had about getting more email addresses and therefore getting more information out to residents of the valley.

Schools liaison

There is a write up on the website about the school summer fair.

PB has contacted Friends of Vale School about the planned Christmas event.


MW explained by email that he is leaving the committee but becoming more involved in local environmental issues including aligning the group with Green Tides, a WAC organisation for Friends groups and increasing the work party to twice weekly.

He will continue to advise the committee on environment matters and will submit a report each month.

At the market and the Bioblitz we focussed on a timeline with good response from people talking about their experiences and memories of Cissbury Fields. Dog walking and dog mess is a big concern and commercial dog walkers are apparently keen to engage in discussion.


LA has forwarded the result of the traffic survey to Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes and will chase up a reply to this. He is keen to have feedback to give to residents who completed the traffic survey. He will also forward the survey summary to Dan Humphreys and Nigel Morgan. Councillor Silman is keen to support our ” Give the Car a Break” campaign.

Concern was expressed by RO about the amount of building work going on specifically in Coombe Rise and the lack of parking due to trade lorries, the surgery and visitors to Cissbury Fields.

Web Administrator

PB will inform TA of the expected market stall holders as soon as she knows each month as he has not always been getting details in time. Sharon does separately publish a list of stall holders. TA will be putting more photographs on the website soon.

Events and Media

There was much discussion about the Christmas event and a plan was submitted outlining possible activities and stall holders. Members were asked if they could let HH or LT know what events they would be able to assist with. It was agreed that stall holders will pay £5.00. CS asked that the music played could be more relevant and uplifting and also expressed his concerns that the event was too close to the market day on the 18th December.

FVFC and All Saints Church are both willing to play a part in the event.

A more detailed meeting needs to be held to move the event on and LA suggested using the September committee meeting specifically for this purpose if no date can be fixed sooner.

LT suggested a 60s night social event in November at FVFC to raise money to put towards a Christmas lunch for lonely local people and both were agreed although there was some reservation about the number of events going on within a short time span.

All Saints and FVRC will help with the lunch event and FVRC will offer their hall for the 60s night.


A new FVRA member, Andy Batkin co-manages a big band and has offered to organise an event to cover their expenses only.

NW has made a Jubilee Video and wondered whether to have it put on the website. He was concerned about data protection but advised that it would be ok.

RO thinks that the council should do a risk assessment with regard to the dog mess at Cissbury Fields

Date of next meeting: Monday 12th September 7.30pm (venue to be forwarded later).

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