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FVRA Committee Minutes April 2023

Findon Valley Residents' Association

Protecting the interests of our community and the countryside around us

Monday 3rd April: Findon Valley Free Church

In Attendance:

Lance Allen (LA), Lorraine Taylor (LT). Terri Binstead (TB), Tony Anderson (TA), Colin Binstead (CB), Clive Sanders (CS), Neil Worsfold (NW).


Paula Barnes (PB).

Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising

The minutes of 13th February were agreed and can now be published on the web site and notice boards.


The AGM had been a successful event and LA has completed the annual return for the charity commission.

LA is attending a site meeting with CS at Cissbury Fields on 17th April (Matthew Ward is unable to attend) and put forward some key changes that we would like for the residents which he will discuss at the meeting with the Councillors.

A date needs to be agreed for the official opening of the new cycle path. It was decided against doing it during the Coronation Big Lunch as this is quite a packed event.

LA has been in contact with the Charity Commission as the new constitution cannot be uploaded yet as the 2013 constitution was not in fact uploaded at the time.

Some residents of Shepherds Mead and Long Meadow have reported to LA about indecent behaviour going on in the roads and car parks at times, sometimes in broad daylight. He has informed PCSO Ed Mitchell and suggested to the residents that they set up a Neighbourhood Watch group as a deterrent. CS has also noticed similar in Coombe Rise car park and has reported to councillors. Residents are advised to also ring the police on 101.

Vice Chair

The March market was cancelled due to adverse weather and the April date has been brought forward to April 23rd because of a large market taking place in Worthing the following weekend. Dates for the rest of the year were given out by LT with the exception of December. The only date available for us in December is the 10th which is only three days after the Christmas event.

The community garden is needing a bit of a tidy up prior to the Coronation Event. Later: arranged by MW for 22nd April. LA is in contact with Co-op Funeral Care about a plaque.LT has approached Asda, Waitrose and Tesco for donations of ingredients towards her cake stall. She plans to make cakes on Saturday 6th May for selling at the Coronation Event.


TB produced a plan of the Coronation Event and details of where help is still needed. CS has volunteered to help with the skittle stall and TB will contact Father Andrew to see if he has any youngsters in his congregation, or from the Guides section who meet at the church hall, who will also be able to assist.

We have no sponsors for the event at present and CS was asked if he could approach local

businesses. A final meeting has been agreed for April 24th via Zoom.


The account balance is £9,703.02

There is still a drop in membership fees coming in. The total income fees were £1,569 for 2022 compared to £2246 for 2021. CAF is not very clear for people paying by direct debit as it just states ‘ Charity Donation’ and it appears that some people are cancelling DD as they are unsure to whom they are paying. CS has been in touch with CAF to try and get things made clearer with no success. He will try again with them. Cash payments are also well down on 2022 quarter 1.

Membership Secretary

Current membership is only 357 residents which is quite concerning. Some of the reduction may be due to CAF bank and the wording when they collect DD.

NW suggested emailing to residents as their payment is due explaining about CAF wording and there was much discussion. It was finally decided to discuss the way forward in detail at the July meeting and make it the priority topic in the hope we can agree a way forward with membership.

Schools liaison

Seed sowing took place at The Gallops with 17 children from the Vale School Council assisted by Anthony and Emily who are Park Rangers. News of the event has been shared via the school with a poster on The Gallops and information on Facebook and FVRA website.

Posters and bunting have also been produced by the children for display on our large notice board advertising the Coronation Street Party.

PB has all her activities for the street party prepared and ready.

PB has plans to organise a litter pick during June/July and invite the WBC Ranger to discuss the wild flowers maybe combining it with a mini tea party to thank the children.

Coronation Big Lunch is being advertised on Facebook now.


Two successful hedge planting sessions have taken place covering a 120 metre section from Storrington Rise car park. Residents of the valley were joined by several other volunteers some from as far away as Midhurst.

The councils plans for the fields are provoking some interesting comments with most in favour but some strong resistance from a few. MW is joining a council organised working group but is away for the first meeting however he will discuss with LA issues he feels need attention. He is particularly keen on an orchard in Field 2.

The crab apple tree has now been planted in the memorial garden and is starting to shoot.

The official opening of the garden will be at the Coronation event on 7th May.


CS is waiting for a response from Elizabeth Sparkes re: bus Real Time Info signs and also for a response from Adam at WSCC re moving the planters in Kings Parade.

The National Highways A27 improvements consultation has now finished as has the survey produced by Nigel Morgan. This produced 610 responses (including 178 from BN14 area) with most being against the proposals as they stand.

CS will contact Elizabeth Sparkes with a view to discussing 20mph signs round the residential streets in the valley.

There is an ongoing problem with large lorries using Bost Hill and causing chaos.

Web Administrator

Due to ill health little has been achieved this month on the website. The domain ‘’ has now been transferred to our Brixly Account and is inactive. Some discussion was had with the treasurer as payment for this was taken twice. It has now been resolved.

TA has corrected the fault on the contact us page and it is now working correctly. He has also updated the local contact information page with details for Lime Tree Surgery and has updated the latest version of the constitution to the site.

Events and Media

There were no events other than the CBL discussed at this time.


LT is still liaising with Dan Humphreys and Chris from the council in an attempt to get the correct key for the toilets.

Date of next meeting Monday 15 May 7.30pm at the FVFC meeting room.

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